Families are “confined” to a holiday village, with a dedicated space for remote work

Families are “confined” to a holiday village, with a dedicated space for remote work


He added, “It is an idea that came to us with the teams, starting on Thursday morning, following the announcements by the president of the republic.” Guest France is movingThursday in Europe 1, former president of Belambra – Villages Vacances Famille, Alexis Gardy, presented an innovative solution his company offered to families who were preparing to try a new confinement in a small space, in the face of the third wave of Covid 19 weeks ago.

Do not “relive the nightmare of March 2020”

“All families have asked themselves the same question, hoping to revive the nightmare of March last year,” said the president of the Belambra Clubs. “What could be more difficult than juggling one or two simultaneous home jobs plus a drawing for a student in a kindergarten class, a math exercise in elementary school, or a teenager who doesn’t want to go to college?”

“Faced with this tension,” some chose to live with relatives or in a second home. “But when you didn’t have one, the odds were that you would find yourself in your downtown apartment, with no freedom of movement,” continues Alexis Gardy.

900 euros for three or four weeks

Therefore, Belambra Clubs, which have 50 locations in France and typically welcome 500,000 customers annually, have suggested that these families be restricted to a vacation village. Details of the boss: “For 900 euros for three or four weeks, whatever club, you have space to live and space to isolate yourself.” Concretely, each family is provided with two apartments, one for living and the other for remote work, for example.

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The price includes Wi-Fi and access to site equipment, such as tennis courts, provided you play independently. “Of course, everything in the daily life of all French is closed to our clubs,” explains Alexis Gardi. “We don’t have a kids club, no swimming pool, no restaurant.” On the other hand, accommodations, which are located in four clubs, for example in Brittany or in La Grande Motte, take advantage of parks that are several hectares in size to stretch your legs.

Dozens of families responded to this alternative offer, according to the official. “They had three days to come and respect the sanitary rules,” taking advantage of the tolerance the government has shown for Easter weekend trips.

‘Reopen by mid-May’

After adapting this solution to health standards, “Belambra clubs will see their reopening by mid-May,” according to Alexis Gardi. “We are running it on a daily basis so that it is ready on D-Day, when we can reopen,” explains the manager, indicating that reservations for the summer vacation are already possible. “We will open these places for the coming winter in the coming days,” he adds. “After a year and a half of failed seasons, the mountain is sure to be hit by a storm.” A good listener!

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