Everything you need to know about Dock World, Walibi's new space opening in 2025

To celebrate its 50th anniversary, in 2025, Walibi will open Dock World, a brand new space themed around a fishing port and centred around the attractions Psyké Underground, Flash-Back and Pulsar but also and perhaps above all a new family ship.

To generate interest and keep amusement park fans in suspense, Walibi posted a promotional video about the new space last week on its Facebook page.

The park's director, Jean-Christophe Parent, explains the details of the project, stressing that a family attraction is missing in this area. The investment is worth 30-35 million euros.

As we explained in July 2023, during the public inquiry, the new roller coaster is located on the Gold River Adventure ponds, which are therefore disappearing. The water bodies at the construction site have also been drained, as seen in Walibi's video.

The track will run between land and water for about 950 metres, and will include three electromagnetic-powered launches and three “bumps”, the highest of which will be 15 metres high. The trains will be capable of reaching speeds of 65 km/h.

The project also includes the demolition of a restaurant and the reconstruction of a new one nearby. A hall will be created where the exits of Psyké Underground, Flash-Back and the new landmark will meet. Picnic areas will be renovated while the various paths will also be renovated and adapted.

As part of the new theme, let's add that Psyké Underground should return to its original name: Turbine.

Walibi confirms that work is underway and progressing well. The concrete foundations for the new roller coaster are being completed while the park waits to receive the first rails. The attraction is set to open in 2025, a date that is still unknown.

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Unless all this is stopped by an appeal to the Council of State against the planning permission associated with the project?

The non-profit association Les Versants de la Dyle, which brings together the park's neighbors, has attacked before the country's highest administrative court the decision of November 9, 2023 by the Wavre Municipal College authorizing the project.

By a recent decision on June 26, the Council of State reopened the discussions.

The reporting auditor considered that the first part of the first argument was sufficiently justified to cancel the permit. The Council of State did not follow it, and therefore the other means relied upon by the opponents will be analysed.

According to the non-profit, a single permit was required, not a “simple” planning permit.

But the technical official made this clear in his opinion submitted to the city: “When examining the description of the planned attraction, it appears to be a family attraction whose launch station will be covered to reduce the acoustic impact, and that propulsion is done using low-noise magnetic motors.

The new attraction modeling includes an increase in specific noise level of 1 to 1.5 dB(A) in the case of a strong impact.”

“There should be no increase in noise pollution.”

“Therefore, in order to limit disturbance, a noise barrier 190 metres long and 8 metres high will be installed between the runway and the Psyké metro, along the technical route of the park located near the houses closest to Joseph Street,” Deschamps said.

The installation of this wall should allow a slight reduction in the overall noise of the garden of between 1 and 2 dB(A).

Therefore, from the information I have, it appears that there should be no increase in noise pollution to the neighbourhood and I therefore conclude that this implementation is subject only to planning permission.

It will be necessary, after a misfortune in the place of the new attraction and the anti-bruit reaction, which realizes a new camp in the area of ​​​​Bruit until the end of the day that this person is on the road and that the Bruit has the right to see it. Eases”We read in the ruling.

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The State Council found no fault in this.

Time will tell whether the other arguments mentioned will reach the point or not.

In the meantime, the work continues, and the permit is enforceable despite the appeal of the suspension and cancellation.

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