Established at the end of 2018, the team Espace Ligue contre le cancer de Carhaix was founded, now has 35 members and five volunteers – Carhaix

Established at the end of 2018, the team Espace Ligue contre le cancer de Carhaix was founded, now has 35 members and five volunteers – Carhaix

Ligue contre le cancer offers personalized support for all services offered, whether individually for a simple information or an interview with Lauren Blanchard, psychologist, or in one-on-one appointments with six aesthetic sessions and six plantar reflexology sessions with Isabel Le Guerin, esthetician.

Group services, such as sports sessions, are also available with Laétitia Bescond, from the sports office, on Tuesdays and Fridays, from 10:30 a.m. to 11:30 a.m.: “We work in groups of six or seven until 12, in the sports room Office weight. I suggest either walking, exercising on chairs, or working with the room’s equipment.”

Talk time is very important.

“We do what they want and as much as they want. Sometimes it happens that a moment of exchange replaces a math lesson, and speaking time is very important,” adds Laetitia.

Other activities such as ‘cafe chat’ are offered on the premises on the last Friday of every month at 2pm, flower arts, creative hobbies, and reading. “We are bringing activities back to the stage to bring all this to life. A schedule is created for the various services to schedule appointments, allowing us to organize ourselves as much as possible. Distributing the new flyers will, I hope, help us restart the machine,” adds Natalie Jesekil, Communications Reference Volunteer before she adds : “Unfortunately, we lack deportation on the part of hospitals and doctors.”


Telephone. 06 45 59 34 20, rue du Docteur Menguy. Volunteer hours, Mondays 9:30am-12:30pm and Wednesdays 2pm-5pm. Free activities funded by donations, bequests and various events. I requested an annual membership of €8 for EDM and insurance.

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