Eric Lagadique in performance with Guillaume Meurisse: “We must take science where it does not go”

Eric Lagadique in performance with Guillaume Meurisse: “We must take science where it does not go”

From September 21 to 24, 2023, the city of Le Havre will host On the shoulders of giants, a scientific event aimed at democratizing science – space, physics and the environment. Eric Lagadec and Guillaume Meurice will present the first date of their show there, To infinity. Numerama, the event partner, was able to speak with Eric Lagadic about this innovative presentation that combines science and humor.

Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity. » What happens when the universe and stupidity meet? Are they two very different things? Among this famous sentence – attributed to Albert Einstein – was constructed by Eric Lagadique and Guillaume Meurisse Full viewAs a couple, it will be their first date During the event On the shoulders of giants To the portSeptember 21, 2023.

The first is an astrophysicist who has also distinguished himself in recent years through his work in popularizing science. The second is a comedian and columnist. “It’s an alliance.” The specialist in the universe, me, and the specialist in nonsense, Guillaume “, Eric Lagadec describes to us with ease. Moreover, this nonsense is not as anti-science as one might think.” Bullshit is all the biases we can have, that we are not aware of. Stupidity is the reason we do things we shouldn’t necessarily do. »

Science is funny, and this fried egg proves it

This presentation is titled Towards infinity (but not beyond it), integrates humor into the heart of popular science. ” It is important to convey emotion “, explains Eric Lajadec. Humor is a good way to convey that. » Moreover, the reason why the astrophysicist is not waiting for this show to convey science with humor – which is what it is On his Twitter account for example. His first work, Cosmic Odysseywhich will be published September 22 in Sewell, also gives pride of place to emotion and human experience.

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However, we are well aware of the general image of science: a distant science, because it is often perceived as orthodox. Eric Lagadic believes that it is completely the wrong image inherited from the school. ” These are the messages I receive most often: “Science scares me.” But you should not be afraid of science, otherwise it will be poorly explained to you. “So we must move away from this strict and heavy image. ” Science is about understanding the world, and the world is wonderful. »

To foster an appetite for science, which is in fact part of our daily lives, it is necessary to go beyond the classic schema of the professor speaking to a gathering whose sole responsibility is to absorb knowledge. Promoting engagement, experimentation and discussion: these are all the keys to transmission that Eric Lagadic seemed to have at heart throughout our discussion.

Source: Eric Lagadec
Source: Eric Lagadec

Especially since, contrary to the tide of preconceptions, there is nothing boring about scientists themselves (words from a science journalist who regularly speaks with researchers), and science is not a discipline devoid of funny or convenient moments. ” I spend my time laughing at work, it’s important! It’s a team effort and we work better together when we’re comfortable. “, trusts Eric Lagadec.

The astrophysicist recalls an entertaining media episode he created. In 2011, he and his team discovered a very rare star, a yellow giant. But, beyond the scientific surprise, they realized that the image looked like a fried egg. Neither one nor two, the surname is given, including In the official press release From ESO – the European Southern Laboratory. As a result, a Telegram article from 2011 points out: “ Type “Éric Lagadec” into Google, and you’ll come face to face with a bizarre star-studded fried egg. » (Since then, other images related to this query have appeared.)

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For Eric Lajadec, it is very clear: “ When you talk to people about science, it works in a simple way. » Through human contact and informal discussion learn to talk about science. “ For me, it all started with interventions in bars. It is my peritoneal side », trusts the astrophysicist. I was always with my best friend, who became a science journalist, and we talked and answered people who came to ask questions. This is how we learned: to be as close to people as possible. » He directed the leitmotif: “ We must take science where it is not headed “And to do that, you have to focus on authenticity.” If we just do the traditional stuff, we’ll be talking to people who already know what science is about. We need to reach people who are not naturally drawn towards science. »

To infinity…

What will this offer look like? Eric Lagadique doesn’t want to tell us in detail, to avoid spoilers – the duo wants it to be a surprise. We have to go there with an idea.” Not knowing everything that will happen As for the topics, again, he will not tell us anything, except that it will be about “ The universe and stupidity (He admits with a laugh that it’s okay) wide “).But one thing is certain, ” The goal is for people to learn while having fun and having a good time », leaving room for improvisation as well. There will also be a question and answer sequence at the end. ” We leave with answers, but above all with questions “, insists Eric Lajadec.

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The first date was set for Thursday, September 21, in Le Havre, on the occasion of the Science Festival On the shoulders of giants. Then the duo leaves On tour Passing through Courbevoie, Nantes, Cheneuve, and Milan. There are quite a few dates, but the tour is the same

In the program “On the Shoulders of Giants”

Dedicated to science and festival On the shoulders of giants It will take place from 21 to 24 September 2023 in Le Havre different places. In the programme, there are interventions from scientific figures, such as Valérie Masson-Delmotte and Alain Aspect, but also from famous figures such as Eric Lagadec.

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