Entrepreneurs of the World: Cecile Bonivet, the New Zealand architect reshaping the world

Entrepreneurs of the World: Cecile Bonivet, the New Zealand architect reshaping the world

An architect in a country where landscapes structure space in a unique way… a dream for many. Fact by Cecil Bonnefit.

China and Finland before New Zealand

Besides these studies at the Bordeaux School of Architecture, she was awarded the Défi-jeunes scholarship from the Ministry of Youth and Sports in 1994 and was a laureate of the Besnard de Quellen Foundation in 1998 and then of the France Foundation in 1999. Work in China. This DPLG architect has some professional experience in France, in particular with her mentor Jacques Hondelat (National Grand Prix for Architecture 1998) and then in Finland before arriving in Wellington in 2000.

It is recognizable in the New Zealand landscape

In 2001, she joined forces with William Giesen to establish Bonnifait+ Giesen Atelierworkshop Architects (http://www.atelierworkshop.com/) in Wellington. ” They say that our architecture is one with the landscape » explains the French-New Zealander architect-turned-New Zealander. “ William and I have developed our touch here and I think we are quite well known in the New Zealand landscape Through their architecture, they seek to reconnect residents with the region and its environment. Their priority in seeking sustainable solutions has been rewarded: Cécile won the 2014 National Wirihana Emerging Leadership Award, given to an architect throughout her 10-year (and longer) career.

Discover his image in the video:

Cecil Bonivetby w-project

“Building a business, freedom”

There is no real tender system in New Zealand, so business is done by word of mouth and through closed networks. Cecile Bonivet explains to us that as a foreigner she had to be very demanding in her productions in order to be published in magazines and reach potential clients.

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The main characters:
– CA: Not informed
– Number of employees: 5
– Company status: Limited company (Atelierworkshop Ltd)

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