Endo Talk, the first space for people with endometriosis – 50 – 50 magazine 50 – 50 magazine

Endo Talk, the first space for people with endometriosis – 50 – 50 magazine 50 – 50 magazine

On this World Day Against Endometriosis, Endo Talk opens an online platform offering shared spaces animated by video conferencing on endometriosis. To give a voice to people with endometriosis in a space that is free, benevolent and free from taboos. Endo Talk is suitable for all people with endometriosis.

An exceptional space

Endo Talk wants to offer a place for exchange outside the medical or association setting. here
The birth of a space dedicated to talking and sharing about endometriosis.

Discussions can be free, focused on topics, in groups, or alone. The event sessions will be available to outsiders throughout the year and will therefore allow people who want to learn more about the disease to be able to access support and participation. Debates will be bookable online with a limited number of places.

The discussions allow the exchange of a new, unique place and new thought for the emergence of the word. Obviously, the platform is not a substitute for therapeutic follow-up. »

How it works ?

1. Log on to www.endotalk.com to view the monthly agenda and find a discussion format that works for us.
2. Book your session directly on the website to get the desired opening and shape.
3. The day of the discussion has arrived, we receive the session link, and the discussion group can start.
4. It is important to have your say, an email will be sent for feedback on your Endo Talk experience.

It would be a matter of proposing a space for free expression and free from taboos. The site and communication media will help create a unique experience that will open the ground around a topic that remains difficult to tackle in the public sphere as well as in the private sphere. »

Unique concept

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With endometriosis, mobility is not always possible. Video conference format allowed
All people who wish to participate in the discussion groups to be able to attend.
This platform was born out of the need for a space dedicated to talking without taboos about the chronic disease endometriosis.
Creating a space outside of the therapeutic setting, where the ability to share one’s experience with other people experiencing similar moments in life was a driving force.
Sometimes it is difficult to talk about endometriosis, and sometimes we do not know what to say to whom and how. Sharing one’s experience means making it exist outside of ourselves.
Connecting people with endometriosis together means promoting the sharing of information, resources and knowledge.
The designer is also a facilitator by providing an enabling space for participation and support.

Sometimes it’s difficult to talk about endometriosis, and sometimes you just don’t know what to say to whom and how. Sharing one’s experience means making it exist outside of ourselves. »

Endo Talk wants to be a free and healthy place for people to exchange in peace. One of the primary goals is to find a connection between people with endometriosis who may be isolated because of the disease and its consequences for daily life.
Meeting people who have had a similar experience to yours can help you understand that you are not alone.

Exchanges can also allow sharing of information such as literature or recommendations from practitioners. The goal of this project is to connect people with endometriosis. Certification is important, even necessary.
Endo Talk allows you to take some time for yourself.

The genesis of the project

In a society like ours, the link is essential in my opinion. The launch of this project is to give the keys to be able to allow the transfer of knowledge, the exchange of feelings, the testimony of experiences on a subject that is still very little at the front of the stage. In this, I believe, Endo Talk has its place, is even essential.

Endo Talk was born out of a desire to create a connection between people with endometriosis, a space for benevolent speech outside of any therapeutic or medical setting. By signing up, you are participating in lively discussion groups in which you can calmly and confidently approach the disease and its taboos and come out calm and surrounded. Meet people who are similar to you. A space to speak freely about the disease and their fears, desires, and anxieties… It is difficult for a person with endometriosis to find the right resources to answer their individual questions, and it is often difficult to know who or what to turn to. The idea was to create a safe place, a discussion group in which we could calmly and confidently treat the disease, and treat it unannounced. It is a unique concept that promises an extraordinary sharing experience.

Discussions last an average of one hour. The maximum number of participants is four, in order to ensure privacy and good speech appearance. For events, the number of places may vary. The number of places per session is limited. Online discussions can be booked directly on the site.

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Open Talk : Participants will have the opportunity to share their experiences and receive certificates, to share a pleasant moment in a benevolent environment. Speech will be completely free and many topics can be discussed. This is an opportunity to be able to discuss and discuss all topics freely without prior directive (XV).

topic of conversation : Topic discussions are a good way to learn about a topic, to exchange, to receive information, to testify about a particular topic in mutual benevolence. For people who aren’t sure they can spontaneously testify and tell their story, the fact that the topic was chosen beforehand can help open up (xv).

private discussion : Private chats are one-on-one sessions with Marie-Eloïse. For people who are a little intimidated by collectivism, who want a more restrained framework, for exchange, for witnessing in a spontaneous way. It’s a good way to enter the world of exchange with complete privacy (the 20th).

Even speech : It would be a matter of bringing different audiences together. Other types of disease-related people can be added to the world of Endo Talk. The opportunity to be able to talk among comrades, or even discuss with an expert on the disease. In order to share a pleasant moment, to exchange information and to collect testimonies on the same topic.


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