Ecrins, Land of Science |  Ecrins National Park

Ecrins, Land of Science | Ecrins National Park

An area with huge scientific potential

Bringing the flag back to the heart of the region and to the heart of the exchanges between the park and the residents: this is the whole aim of the Écrins programme, Land of the Flag. Marion Janel, the civil service responsible for organizing events, explains the origin of the concept: Ecrins National Park is often associated with tourism, winter sports, and nature. Not only do residents and visitors know that it is an area of ​​enormous scientific potential, the subject of much research by the Parc agents but also by the universities of Grenoble, Chambery, Marseille, Lyon, Lausanne … and research institutes. The park’s 50th anniversary comes just in time to show everyone that science is also part of the area. » And what better way to connect residents, visitors and scholars than during direct exchange times in the Eckernes Valleys and in the places of study?

Inventory of nocturnal moths in the Lovetel Valley © PNE Inventory of wild bees in Saint-Léger-les-Mélèzes © M. Corail - PNE

If the programming of Écrins, Land of Sciences is presented mainly by the National Park, it is also enriched by other scientific meetings organized by our partners, in particular the Alpine Garden of Lautaret, the Montagnes et Sciences Association and the Refuges project. Beacons for the Environment.

Survey of emergence in Glacier Blanc by INRAe © M. Bouvier - PNE

Meetings to facilitate access to knowledge …

Preparation of rations for the ptarmigan bioacoustics program in the Fontenil Valley © C. Coursier - PNE Écrins, Terre de Science offers 3 scientific meeting formats throughout the year.

  • conferences, to get a complete overview of knowledge on a topic. They are mainly staged at the Maison du Parc, and are followed by discussions between the public and scholars.
  • Coffee or aperitif flagto discuss casually and without fuss with scholars. “The idea is to make research and science more accessible, Marion explains. They are organized in friendly places such as bistros, shelters and coffee shops. We come for a scientific aperitif as we go to see a concert in a pub: we engage in a scientific discussion over a drink! »
  • Field trips, to instantly discover the places and topics that scholars have studied and understand directly. Marion explains: “This format is important for showing locals and visitors that a mountain is not just a place for hiking or outdoor sports. When we walk, climb or ski, we are surrounded by elements and places that have a lot to teach us, from a scientific, social, geological and archaeological point of view…”

…to as many people as possible!

In order not to forget anyone, efforts have been made to offer meetups in all valleys of the park. And don’t panic if you’re not into science! The topics are very diverse. Marion explains. Scientists always come with a desire to promote their work and make every topic interesting. And there are not only hard science subjects: there are also interventions linked to the social sciences and regional planning, such as the work on the restoration of built heritage carried out with the Planning Department of the National Park. » Under the circumstances, no more excuses for not being weird!

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Snail excavations in the Lofitel Valley © E. Icardo - PNE Excavating aquatic plants at Lac des Sirènes © M. Corail - PNE

Écrins, Land of Science can be downloaded from the bottom of the page. Since it is bound to expand during the year, we invite you to consult the national park’s agenda, updated over time.

First scientific meeting: May 24th at 6 pm in Saint-Christophe-en-Oisans To discuss the evolution of human occupation in the mountains around the science aperitif.

Ice Margin Protocol at the Chardonnay Glacier © E. Icardo - PNE

Écrins, Land of Science events are organized by the Scientific Service of the National Park, in active collaboration with field agents and various partners. We would like to warmly thank the scientists who all come free, during their working time, to share their knowledge.

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