Drew: Filmmaker and environmental activist, recipient of the first Regard d’or Award

Drew: Filmmaker and environmental activist, recipient of the first Regard d’or Award

Your short film the above, won the first Regard d’or, as part of the Festival Regard d’ailleurs, dedicated this year to space. Did you make an environmentally friendly film?
I think so: the ambition was to create sensitivity to the environmental problems that affect us. I wanted to connect a wonderful universe with tangible things. For example, we are talking about the greenhouse effect. And then, miserable deeds inspired me.
for example? Sidewalk By Chris Marker Where we find ourselves in post-nuclear Paris, but also Steven Spielberg’s Encounter of the Third Kind, with this alien source of life, is close to ourselves.
Originally, how was your movie born?
The state of the planet is a topic that interests me, as do many people of my generation. I actually work for a live arts company (music and theatre), and am also involved with an environmental association, Seeds for the Future. After returning from a multi-month trip to understand climate change, last year I was inspired by the space theme at the Festival Regards d’ailleurs. I wrote a script.Ronan Marquez during a photo shoot that took place on his parents’ balcony.

“Using science fiction, show that humanity can endure by finding simple things.”

Do you believe in the power of cinema to answer the climate question? Everyone can bring their stone. Films have an important role. Fantasy inspires reality, and vice versa.
How do you get a Regard d’or award? as motivation to continue. This movie was rewarded for its values ​​of collective creation, and love too, without forgetting the touch of hope at the end. In general, environmental films are a bit sad. Using a science fiction angle, he showed that humanity could endure by finding simple things, such as hearing the wind in the tops of poplar trees…
Where did you shoot your movie?
On my parents’ porch, materials from DIY stores were collected to create the spaceship. We shot in two days!
the following? An animated film that talks about the environment and friendship, but it is a musical tale. There will be a stage!

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Olivier Bohen

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