Dragonflight: Pre-Expansion Event Guide – World of Warcraft

Dragonflight: Pre-Expansion Event Guide – World of Warcraft

The Dragonflight Pre-Expansion event takes you to Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. The Primals have sent essential items there that WoW players must fend off to prevent these ancient lands from falling into the hands of these new foes. Elemental Attack allows you to collect ilvl 252 items as well as a game and special collection. Find all information about the 10.0 setup event that will happen before Dragonflight is released.

This page is based on the first test session conducted on WoW PTR. Things are likely to change between now and the event.

1. Recognize elemental attacks

To find out where the event is active, you need to open the world map. You will notice that there are several Icons that indicate the attack Primary. This can happen in several areas such as Northern Barrens, Un’goro Crater or Badlands.

When you arrive in an area hit by the invasion, you will find that attacks occur in several places. However, not all places have the same interest. Some attacks are small in size with few monsters to kill. Others on a larger scale with the possibilityface heada gigantic item that requires multiple players to defeat.

Each elemental attack is associated with an element: airAnd the FireAnd the Earth where Water. The powers of monsters and bosses vary depending on the initial storm you’re facing.

2. Unfold elemental attack

When primitives attack an area, you will notice that there are many monsters. Some of them are objects that you usually find in the area that has been spoiled by the elements. I’m thinking, for example, of the Birds of Paradise in Northern Barnes. New items are also in number, with regular and elite versions. The weather in the area can be affected by rain or snowfall.

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Whatever the region or type of items, the primal attack always happens 3 steps :

  1. You kill enemies in a ring to provoke the emergence of the boss.
  2. When the boss appears, the game tells you that there is a file head protection. This is a primary protection that surrounds the boss and makes an attack impossible. You must kill monsters to reduce protection from 100/100 to 0/100.
  3. Once at 0/100, the boss can be attacked and killed.

Once you eliminate the boss, you can go back to killing the enemies in order to make them explode again. And so on.

trick : Some enemy spells can be avoided temporarily. During an attack by air elements, for example, the wind can push you back or get thrown back if you get hit by a hurricane.

using file Primary protection (An item in the scene that you can click), you will benefit from a 60-second boost which will protect you from negative effects. Be careful, you will then suffer from a elemental exhaustion Which will prevent you from getting any more protection for 2 minutes.

3. Bosses and rewards

When a boss is born, the icon on the world map and region map changes to show that the boss has been summoned. In this case, rush at full speed to confront him.

Each element has its own boss, with specific abilities. Depending on how many players there are, the boss is almost hard to defeat but there is no doubt that during the early days of the event there will be a lot of people in the areas attacked which makes killing the bosses simple.

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Among the Elemental Lords we find in particular:

  • Air: Master of the Unruly Storm
  • Earth: Lord of the rumbling earth
  • Water: Frozen Ice Lord

Each boss has his own techniques and we will especially note the fact that the Frigid Ice Lord can lower his vision so greatly, that he is practically blinded by a blizzard around him.

Bosses drop ilvl 252 items in addition to gray items and the base gem, a pre-expansion event currency.

Primal Essence can be used to purchase new items from sellers located in Stormwind and Orgrimmar:

  • A bag of angry winds game.
  • The Primal Storm Kit is available in cloth, leather, mail, and saucer.

4. Pre-expand event screenshots

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