Dragonflight campaign can’t be level 70 – World of Warcraft

The release of Dragonflight is approaching, and even if we don’t know the exact date yet, we still expect to be able to visit Dragon Islands In 2022. This means that you will be able to discover the countryside and regions in the coming weeks.

in this subject, quasi-wave Post a great picture of the path you will take in the Dragonflight campaign. As you already know if you have followed my game reports, the Dracthrys will start their adventure in forbidden limits. For the remainder of the campaign, all players will complete the regions in the same order:

  1. Awakening beaches
  2. Plains Ohanahra
  3. Span Azure
  4. taldrasus

Right now, if you basically limit yourself to the main missions and one side mission or the other, you won’t reach level 70 at the end of the story. Prefer to be L68. In that sense, it’s different from what we experienced in Shadowlands. On the other hand, the story is very fluid and continues from one area to another.

Unless Blizzard changes the amount of experience gained while leveling, it’s best to take 2.5 levels per area to complete Thaldraszus at L70. This will require you to perform side quests to achieve this. If you are too fast, you may not even have the level required to complete the campaign because the last mission requires you to be at level 68 to take it. In the trial version, I got this far at the beginning of level 67, so I had to farm a bit before discovering the final mission.

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I’ll have the opportunity to talk to you about all of this, but if nothing changes, take the time to complete bonus objectives as well as elite or secondary missions. This will also allow you to activate multiple Flying Masters. Otherwise, you will end up at a very low level and will inevitably have to back out.

As for the dungeons, they are unlocked gradually and even at level 68, only four can be reached: Oldmanthey Blessings from Ruby JoharAnd the cheek attack and the Hollow Fujirobes.

I go back to the image suggested by Quasiwave. There is a very brief summary of the main objectives of each area, as well as the path to follow. It was well presented and I think you might find it interesting.

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