Dot, a mysterious creature adored by children

Dot, a mysterious creature adored by children


Science: Dot, a mysterious creature that children adore
France 3
Article by

N. Tabouri, J. C. Batteria, A. Boulet – France 3

France TVs

Science comes to school. Dot, a strange slimy creature You have extraordinary abilities, fascinate schoolchildren, and Thomas Bisket He even took some with him to the International Space Station.

For a few days now, the class teacher has made the main subject of life science lessons. This single-celled organism impresses the children of this class, who created nicknames for it. The goal of the course is to monitor the development of this creature and feed it with grain. An experience that leaves children speechless. “The bubble has liquid in its veins, and it’s like a rubber band, pulling it in and then releasing itThis creature owes its name to a 1950s science fiction movie, says a student in this class. means, With his sticky creature from outer space.

Students of this school are among the 4,500 lucky ones who took part in an experiment on Earth, but also in space. French astronaut Thomas Pesquet will also study the point in space. For a week, the astronaut’s task is to observe the behavior of the point in zero gravity. So the favorite teacher of the students, is attentive to their favorite creature. An amazing experience that never ceases to amaze the kids.

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