Don't have time to read the candidates' program?  Ask us your questions so we can see more clearly

Don't have time to read the candidates' program? Ask us your questions so we can see more clearly

What is the position of each list on strengthening European military cooperation? (Joint Development Projects, European Army) Thank you


Thank you for this question. Several lists highlight the need for greater military cooperation in Europe, but the framework varies. Some want to cooperate outside NATO, while others intend to do so within NATO.

Manon Aubry The LFI says it rejects a NATO-linked European defense, but wants to perpetuate the common defense clause between EU member states, while… Leon Devontaine The PCF wants to impose strategic autonomy outside NATO, on the basis of a collective security treaty and military cooperation between countries.

Raphael Glucksmann (Socialist Party and Public Place) intends “Remilitarizing Europe” By creating a €100 billion fund and giving the Commission a central leadership role, while Marie Toussaint (Environmentalists) wants to create a European army and a defense plenipotentiary.

Valerie Haire (Renaissance) Wishes “Making European defense a reality”This is done by investing heavily (1,000 billion euros) in European defense industries. “These new budgets will finance the European production of our armies.”she pleads on her show.

to François-Xavier Bellamy (LR), it NATO must be strengthened By requiring each member state to allocate at least 3% of its GDP annually to defence, and establishing “European pillar” NATO to provide the means for the European Union General Staff to conduct military operations.

On the far right, programs Marion Marichal (Restore!) And Jordan Bardella (The National Rally) does not dwell on the issue of European military cooperation, even if it is at the top of the recovery list! He says he refuses to create a European army. Both also stress the need to encourage and prioritize the purchase of European equipment and weapons.

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