Doing nothing, a guarantee of productivity?  Science says so!

Doing nothing, a guarantee of productivity? Science says so!

Calling all professional procrastinators! According to science Doing nothing seems to be a guarantee of productivity. A theory that seems paradoxical but will establish, according to Chris Griffiths and Carragh Middlecott, co-authors of the book Creative Thinking Handbookinterview by UK designer. Of course, we are not just talking about doing nothing out of laziness. We explain how you can take a break, with real positive impact.

Doing nothing, the perfect choice to increase your productivity?

On a daily basis, we often feel overwhelmed with all the things we have to do, whether at work or at home. “When you have a to-do list at arm’s length and a million tasks to run through, the productive power of doing nothing probably seems like a charming, slightly deranged fantasy.”Explain the authors of the book to our British colleagues. It’s true that doing nothing on your own won’t help you do more things, however When you use strength to do anything right, it can actually increase your productivity and increase your energy So you can better handle the heavy workload.”they add.

Of course, doing nothing doesn’t mean scrolling on social media or watching a series, but really Take a moment when you’re doing absolutely nothing. In other words, we’re trying to learn how to be bored, but in a good way! Or at least, next to nothing: a mundane, repetitive task that is neither entertaining nor demands your attention.The authors of the book advise.

Very often, doing nothing is associated with simple laziness. However, it really does have some good as Griffiths and Medlicott explain. “Our brains are incredibly complex machines, and depending on what you do, different parts are activated. For a long time, scientists assumed that our brains were most active when we were doing focused work., the authors say before specifying that this is not actually the case. In reality, Researchers from the University of British Columbia found this “The use of our brain shrinks in order to give all its energy to the task at hand.”. The most surprising thing is that it is the same when we choose to relax.

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According to the authors, it is very common. for example, It can happen at night, when we suddenly have an idea to solve a problem. One study even claims that 72% of people say they have new ideas when they take a shower.

Taking a break is a good way to fight stress

In our society, we often value productivity at any cost. However, taking a break also has its virtues. So don’t force yourself to do things, but set achievable goals to take the pressure off yourself.. In order for no one to disturb us during this precious break, it is highly recommended that we stay away from our phones and computers. It’s also a form of letting go when we’re too busy, and feel guilty when we stop.

Moreover, doing nothing is not a waste of time contrary to what one might think. It also gives a break to our brains, which are often overwhelmed with all the tasks we have to do. We are used to running around, wanting to do everything at once, which can lead to burnout, which is common even for some characters. finally, Allowing ourselves to do nothing also makes us feel more relaxed. So you know what you need to do!

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