Does stranded baby orca need euthanasia in New Zealand?

Does stranded baby orca need euthanasia in New Zealand?

Baby orca lost his family.

Ben McKay / AAP / dpa

07/21/2021 4:45 PM.

The search for his family has not been successful yet. However, in the wild, a killer whale cannot survive. A decision will have to be made soon.

Ten days after a baby orca was imprisoned in New Zealand, concerns are growing about the future of the small marine mammal. Experts are no longer ruling out the need for euthanasia for the killer whale, baptized as the Maori Toa.

The search for the herd has not been successful so far – also due to very bad weather conditions in the past few days, New Zealand media reported. Toa is currently being cared for and fed by conservationists in a swimming pool specially set up for him.

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