Do you like your hydrangea?  Don’t make this common summer mistake

Do you like your hydrangea? Don’t make this common summer mistake

When summer comes, many people enjoy seeing the plants in their garden in bloom. Hydrangea is a particularly popular variety. If you have this flower in your home, know that there is a mistake that many people make in a very common way. Here we tell you what it is to help you avoid it.

How to take care of hydrangeas in the summer?

This variety needs special attention.

Make sure the plant is in a good location

This is the first thing to think about when you want to install flowers in your garden. However, when you transplanted your hydrangea, you probably didn’t pay enough attention to it.

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Hydrangeas do not wither immediately if exposed to sunlight. However, it is a plant that thrives on much more than that If in the shade for part of the day in your garden. In fact, the sun can dry them out and lose their beautiful colours.

Therefore, if your flowers are in full sun, you must provide shade for them, for example with an umbrella.

Take care of watering carefully

You may not know it, but this plant It needs a lot of water to thrive. However, there is no question of watering it randomly over the days. In the summer, you have to be careful to be strategic. And it is good to know that daily watering is not the right solution either.

If you water in the middle of the day, the heat will cause the water to evaporate. The plant will not have time to assimilate it. Therefore, it is better to perform this task Early in the morning or in the evening.

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Don’t forget about fertilizer

When it comes to fertilizers, You have to find a middle ground with hydrangea. In fact, if you don’t put any in, the plant may have even more difficulties in flowering.

However, if you spread too much, flowering can also be compromised. Therefore, you must pay close attention to the instructions written on the fertilizer package that you purchased. We will see later how to take care of the hydrangea pruning.

A common mistake that often occurs in the hot season

Compared to hydrangea maintenance, this mistake is still very common and can cost this plant dearly.

Do not prune this variety: a mistake that should not be made

All flowers eventually wilt, even if it is not found in the vase. Cuban was not spared. However, many people do not know how to act when some of the flowers of this plant start to wilt.

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The question that arises is simple: Is it necessary to cut it off, or is it possible to leave it in place without causing a problem? Know that for several reasons It is best to prune your plant.

Why should you prune your hydrangea?

The first reason is above all aesthetic. Hydrangea is a beautiful plant, and fading flowers can make it less pleasing to the eye. However, there is another reason why it is not recommended to cut it.

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In fact, a faded flower takes up unnecessary space. If you cut it, you will Space for a new flower. The plant can then go through a second flowering period later in the year.

How to properly prune hydrangeas?

The size of this plant cannot be improvised.

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When should this task be performed?

First of all, you need to know what is there Several types of hydrangeas. Therefore, you must clearly identify the type of your plant so as not to make a mistake.

For large-leaved hydrangeas, which are the most common species, you should do this job after flowering. This corresponds to the end of summer.

For the panicked Cuban, the situation is different. In fact, pruning helps this plant to start its growth. This should be done when the winter season ends.

Which method should be used?

The first thing you need to do is make sure you have the right tools for the job. Recommended tool To use is a pruner. It will help you make accurate cuts. You also need to make sure it is clean.

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In fact, cutting the plant with dirty pruning shears can cause infection. When pruning hydrangeas, cut only the wilted or damaged parts. Do not touch the healthy leaves, let alone the buds.

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