Divided EU adopts new Hungarian law

Divided EU adopts new Hungarian law

A demonstration for LGBT rights outside the presidential palace in Budapest, Hungary, June 16, 2016.

After immigration, independence of the judiciary or freedom of the media, the issue of gender has become another factor of division within the EU.

This is the Hungarian bill, which is discriminatory against homosexuals and is due to enter into force on 1he is July, which sparked intense controversy, in recent days, so that the President of the European Council, Charles Michel, decided to include him in the list of the summit of heads of state and government, expected in Brussels for a summit, Thursday, June. 24 and Friday 25.

Tuesday, in Luxembourg, 14 Member States have signed a text expressing a ‘deep concern’ On legislation that, according to the two signatories, clearly discriminates against and violates LGBT people “Freedom of expression under the pretext of protecting children”. The statement condemns the infringement of “Inclusion, human dignity and equality, the basic values ​​of our union”. The Benelux countries, France, Germany, Spain, Ireland, Scandinavia and the Baltic states, the only former Eastern countries on the list, agreed to the text. Portugal, which holds the rotating presidency of the European Union, has invoked its duty to stand by. Austria, Italy, and Greece mobilized the signatories shortly thereafter, bringing their number to seventeen.

This article is reserved for our subscribers Read also Hungary bans “show homosexuality” to minors

In the face of this alliance, the Hungarian Minister of Justice, Judit Varga, spoke of “The right to defend our families and educate our children, which is a sovereign right in which there are no competing competencies for the European Union.” “It’s an ugly law”, His Swedish counterpart replied. French Foreign Minister Clement Bonn denounced “The dangerous assimilation between pornography and homosexuality”, judge it “This kind of confusion can lead to hate.” baseless slander, Budapest said in a statement released Wednesday evening.

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Von der Leyen: “This law is a disgrace”

Introduced and adopted within a few days, on June 15, by MPs Fidesz, the party of Hungarian Prime Minister Viktor Orban, the controversial law actually consists of amendments to the provisions against the sexual exploitation of children. They plan to make everything “Content that manifests or encourages the same sexual activity, transsexuality, or homosexuality.”

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