Dieppe instead of Fécamp: From space, Thomas Pesquet became involved in his geography

Dieppe instead of Fécamp: From space, Thomas Pesquet became involved in his geography

If he thought he had posted a photo of Fécamp, it was indeed the city of Dieppe that the keen eye of netizens recognized in this image from space.
If he thought he was posting a photo of Fécamp, it was indeed Dieppe that the sharp eyes of netizens recognized in this photo from space. (© Thomas Bisquet)

The idea came with the best of intentions. A visual look back at a summer spent in space, aboard the International Space Station, Thomas Bisket He wanted to take the opportunity to pay tribute to his native region. In a series of photographs showing in particular the French coasts and the islands of the Mediterranean, the Normandy astronaut published, Friday, September 24, 2021, a snapshot of ” vcamp, a popular holiday resort in Normandy, a stone’s throw from where I grew up.”

“Human error”

The publication would have had something to delight its former neighbors … if it had not revealed a small geographical approximation. In the picture, it’s really a city Deep which we are already seeing appear. For someone who spent part of their adolescence (and earned their baccalaureate) in this Alabaster Coast city, it might be a lost act.

As one netizen points out, “wrongness is humankind,” and this will not prevent us from admiring the breathtaking view of our planet Earth that Thomas Peskett regularly offers us.


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