Diary from Auckland, New Zealand press now respects Luna Rossa

Diary from Auckland, New Zealand press now respects Luna Rossa

Let’s hope the wind stays the same. It’s down a little bit compared to yesterday and that should help us in theory. Luna Rossa is more competitive with less winds, and New Zealand needs more. But we always think about hypotheses. What is certain is that the New Zealand boat is by no means as unbeatable as it had been feared before the race began. The local press was sure of New Zealand’s outperforming, after the first two races they realized we were on equal footing. This means that a person will win the challenge by his choices with the mistakes he will not make. Speaking of this, the team did a thorough review of the riders to identify mistakes that were made and to prevent them from happening again. Boys are determined and relaxed at the same time. The right spirit to go on the water and take on the next challenges.

* Agostino Randazzo is president of Circolo della Vela Sicilia in Palermo, the club for which Luna Rossa competed in the Copa America

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