Diablo IV: Xbox One and Xbox Series X |  S and PC beta details known |  Xbox One

Diablo IV: Xbox One and Xbox Series X | S and PC beta details known | Xbox One

Are you looking forward to Diablo IV and can’t wait? Get your hands on it and try it? Well, Blizzard Entertainment has good news for you: Open Beta on Xbox One and Xbox Series X revealed | S and PC, but also PlayStation 4 | 5 in detail through Official statement.

All the details !

Duration of open beta and early access weekends

  • Early access to the open beta will begin on March 17th at 5:00 PM EST and end on March 20th at 8:00 PM EST.
  • The open beta will start on March 24th at 5:00 PM EST and end on March 27th at 9:00 PM EST.

During the Early Access weekend, players will be able to choose from three classes. Take on the role of an experienced barbarian, a clever rogue, or a master wizard of the elements. During the open beta weekend, the Druid and Necromancer classes will also be available in addition to the three classes mentioned above.

A maximum of 10 characters can be created per Battle.net account. After reaching level 25 with a character, we recommend trying to fend off hordes of demons using other classes to find what you like best. Any progress made during Early Access will carry over into Open Beta weekends. However, all of the characters were created during this period It will be removed at the end of the beta.

Over the Open Beta and Early Access weekends, players will be able to get an in-depth look at the beginning of Diablo IV. This preview includes the campaign intro and all of the first chapter. The first area, Broken Peaks, has you slaying demons through rugged landscapes.

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Defines blizzard via file Official statement All the necessary information and in particular that it will be possible to play in cooperation and to confront the bosses.

Diablo IV will be available on June 6, 2023 on Xbox One, PlayStation 4 and PC as well as Xbox Series X | S and PS5. Find all the information about the trial version in our dedicated article.

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