Destruction of 1,000 square meters of natural wood areas

Destruction of 1,000 square meters of natural wood areas

sThe awesomeness of Mont Valerian, in the Vicray region

Facing the northern entrance to the Terrasse du Fécheray, a wooded plot located at the corner of the rue du Fécheray and rue Guillemette Faussart will be sold to a developer whose project was unveiled at the end of March and is currently available for consultation. town hall.

this Green island with an area of ​​1000 square meterswell known to the inhabitants of the area, lovers of walking on the balcony of Fécheray or even the brave “climbers” of the Avenue Fécheray would be pretty ruined for letting Construction of a residential building of 12 units.

this Freshness Island Participate in the quality of the bioclimate of the area, the quality of life of the population and more broadly in the charm of the upper Suresnes. The peculiarity of this land is that it has been completely wooded for over 50 years, mainly with maples, locusts, and ash.

frequented A large number of birds and small animals : great spotted woodpecker, tawny owl, jay, song thrush, white-collared dove, magpie, raven, blackbird and many passerines (robin, garden warbler, black, chaff, nuthatch, blue tit, long-tailed, great tit, winter wren, garden creeper), and certainly many others, hidden in the vegetation, whose song we hear but whose identity we do not know. We don’t know if these birds nest there but they live in a neighboring plot of land, we are sure they come to refuel there regularly. A large number of pipistrelle can also be seen in the summer and hedgehogs seem to appreciate the place as well. All this without counting the many insects that must find their happiness there.

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After in-depth study, the project appears compatible city ​​planning rules and Suresnes PLU for the respective region. however, The building permit does not mention any analysis of environmental issues (environment icon / art. L411-1) on protected species.

You should know that this construction project will consist of:

  • Concreting 560 sqm of basement To build a parking lot

  • 52 trees fell 15 meters high (of the 73 existing) including all sycamore maple trees, 80% ash trees and locusts (very popular with great spotted woodpeckers). Of the 21 trees that must be preserved, only 13 are tall.

  • Eliminate 75% of shrubsa rare commodity in town.

In addition, this project will lead Partial deterioration of the view from the Terrasse du Fécheray It is a site that has been defined as a “superb green space” by the AVAP of Suresnes.

We can’t stand doing nothing!

We have reached out to Bird Conservation Association d’Ile de France and sent them a list of the plant and animal species identified in this land as well as the records; The LPO is studying the issue.

We understand The owner desires to sell his plot of land, we understand the difficulty of Town Hall refusing a permit respecting the PLU, and we understand that the promoter is proposing a project that will bring him maximum financial profitability.

But given the current climate challenges related to global warming (soil permeability, carbon dioxide sequestration, species conservation) and the environmental and greening initiatives of the city council, How can we see such a project in 2023?

We must continue to green our city to combat the effects of climate change, Conservation of areas of species transmission between Mont Valérien and Bois de Boulognepromoting the diversity of species within our municipality and this kind of valuable piece of land.

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Residents of the area and all pedestrians in the surroundings would certainly like to keep this opportunity to have a virgin woodland space in the city center and see the typical suburban neighborhoods of Suresnes preserved.

Our commitment It is to work in consultation with the Town Hall, with Suresnois who wish, in order to study solutions that will make it possible to remain consistent with current and future environmental issues, issues that the City Council furthermore presented to us during the CESES meeting of April 11th.

othersPossible solutions
A multi-purpose and varied plot might be interesting: keep a natural and wooded part, communal gardens or orchards to go back to basics, or even ship surface Well integrated in the middle of trees or any other idea to discuss.

A compromise must be found!

We need your opinion and support!

We are therefore launching a petition in favor of justified consultation to bring together environmental, social and economic issues for this Suresnois project.

Many thanks to everyone for your support!

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