“Despite everything” by Gardi Hutter – Gardi Hutter: “From today’s perspective, there is much that is surprising” – Culture

“Despite everything” by Gardi Hutter – Gardi Hutter: “From today’s perspective, there is much that is surprising” – Culture


Boarding school student, rebel, feminist and mother: a new biography that puts the eventful life of the legendary clown into perspective.

The shutdown last spring wasn’t uncomfortable for Gardi Hutter. Instead of wandering around New Zealand, she got into her archives.

She sorted the memo boxes, pictures, and newspaper clips. In just ten months, this material and several conversations with historian Dennis Schmid resulted in her autobiography. The title “in spite of everything” is not a coincidence.

Defiance and rebellion play a major role in the life of the Swiss “clown”. Gardie Hutter owes the word creation to a medium who mixed the terms clown and sew before one of her appearances.

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The term illustrates how entrepreneurial the life and art of Gardi Hutter is. A clown woman, a character like the brave Hanna, has never been around before.

The Classifier “The Seamstress”

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Gardy HattersWork notebook. The tailor»Part of the new biography. Here, Hutter documents the entire process of producing “Die Schneiderin” from 2010.

It was a long cherished project by Clown Heart to spread her works from performance in head to performance on stage. As a beginner, she would have liked to read about how inspirations and masks work. Now she wrote the book herself.

The workbook records the creative process and relentlessly demonstrates the time, perseverance, accuracy, and skills it takes before the individual program is ready for the stage.

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Author and historian Dennis Schmid integrates the eventful life and turning points of this pioneer into the general social context and contemporary history. Gardy Hutter embodies the evolution of women from the age of 68. It is a tale of liberation and emancipation.

Irmgard Hutter was born in March 1953 in Altstätten in St. Gallen. Your parents run a trendy fashion house. I grew up with three siblings in a strictly catholic environment.


Dangerous thing: 9-year-old Irmgard Hutter as “the Bride of God” in his first communion.

Here and now, Zurich

The petty-bourgeois environment and a wise upbringing are formative. Just like the world of Catholic imagery, the carnival, the festive processions.

The rebellious finds its way

After boarding school for girls, I attended St. Gallen Business School. However, becoming a secretary is not an option.

Gardi develops into a rebel activist and politician. Young, wild Gardy searches her own way early. She is one of the first to complete a new theater education course at the Acting Academy in Zurich. You are advised not to act as an actress. She is very young.

Until then, Gardi began engaging with female models and female characters in theater literature. This part of her biography is also part of theater history.


Train early. Even before her training, Gardi was passionate about theater. In 1974 she participated in street activities organized by the Banana Theater.

Here and now, Zurich

Gardi finds a home in Milan’s vibrant cabaret scene. And great love. At the same age, Ferrucio Cainero is a partner who shares a Gardi passion for theater, black humor, and unconventional lifestyles.

Relationship with him, marriage and her two children – this is the part of her life that Gardy Hutter has kept out of the public eye until now. Dennis Schmid’s biography takes a careful and moving look at this private life.


Gardi Hotter and her great love Ferruccio Cainero. Get to know each other in Milan. They are both penniless, thinker, and love black humor. Only one thing in mind: theater making!

Here and now, Zurich

It is protected from default between book covers, is in safe hands and has many pictures. Not being eavesdropped at all is due to Denise Schmid’s storytelling style.

Make the most of it

It also allows many of Gardi Hutter’s life buddies and buddies to express their views. The result is a multi-perspective rendering of Gardi Hutter on nearly 500 powerful pages.


Gardy Hutter fixes the shoes of her clown character. She looks back at an eventful life and an amazing career: “I was born in 1953, many things are so amazing from today’s perspective.”

Daniel Reese

The world-famous actress has crossed many lines and spared no expense or sacrifice in searching for her clown figure. Dennis Schmid’s biography also accomplishes this: to provide insight into the huge gap between celebrities and tough times in person.

As the title of the biography indicates, “in spite of everything.” On Gardi Hutter’s fantastic ability to make something out of everything. Ideally the best.

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Denise Schmid: In spite of it all. Jardi Hutter. Here and now, 2021.

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