Dejected – Depressed?  Here are the 10 science-based songs that will make you happy

Dejected – Depressed? Here are the 10 science-based songs that will make you happy

Some songs have a knack for getting us in the mood. On this observation, Jocob Jolij, a Dutch neuroscientist, had the idea to analyze a survey conducted by the British electronics group Alba. The latter aims to learn more about the songs that made English and Irish citizens happy.

So the Dutch scientist sought to find out why certain titles in particular could generate ‘happiness’. And he came to the conclusion that so-called “positive” words or even nonsensical words must play an important role in this process. You should also consider rhythm and key.

Thus, Jacob Goleig was able to develop a formula capable of obtaining the value of the well-being of the song. In this way, he was able to compile a list of the ten songs that made “the happiest”. Great classics of music as can be seen in the list below:

  • Walk on the Sunshine de Caterina and the waves
  • I will survive de Gloria Gaynor
  • Livin ‘On A Prayer by Bon Jovi
  • Girls just want to have fun with Cindy Looper
  • I believe in The Monkees
  • Eye of the tiger de survivor
  • Uptown Girl de Bailey Joelle
  • Good vibrations de Beach Boys
  • The Dancing Queen Di Abba
  • Don’t stop me now DQuen

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