Cuderon website, “A space for life and biodiversity, a place of respect, a humanitarian project” … in the face of human stupidity …

Cuderon website, “A space for life and biodiversity, a place of respect, a humanitarian project” … in the face of human stupidity …

The holidays went well overall, and we are in all respects happy to reconnect with the warm and festive atmosphere this weekend…

Admittedly… But we can’t ignore the collateral damage, particularly at the Cauderon site.

“The planted tree is a preserved future,” Jerome Joubert, SVT instructor at Gabriel Ciel College, told his students during the various plantings at the Cuderon site, which were carried out as part of the “7000 Trees for 2050” launched by the department and supported by the Artagnan en Fezensac Municipalities Community.

A torn tree?

“Today, you will contribute to the enrichment of your lands thanks to your seedlings,” he continued.

And looting these seedlings? What do we contribute to? To expand human stupidity?

Jean-Claude Bourguignon, Vice President Responsible for Environmental Transition to the Municipal Community, Jean-Jacques Hospital The committee member and all those involved in the operation protested:

In its time, we welcomed the operation – 7000 trees – that the department launched with middle school students.

The municipality of Artagnan en Fezensac made Cauderon’s site available for this purpose to realize this beautiful project.

On January 25, sixth graders from Gabriel Séailles College planted 110 trees, spread over 4 islands and along the hacked path.

We have always thought of the Pentecost deadline by relying on the kindness of campers.

Today, through his most stupid behaviour, through degradation, and partial destruction of the work of the students and their teacher, the festival highlights his stupidity. regrettable.

Nothing can justify such actions.

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However, a new project of the same type is under consideration, but now with an ulterior motive: lThe stupidity will be there again next year….”

We share their resentment and regret these brutal acts of destruction.

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