Covid: XBB.1.5, BF.7… What is the situation in France of sub-variants wreaking havoc abroad?

Covid: XBB.1.5, BF.7… What is the situation in France of sub-variants wreaking havoc abroad?

The Omicron BF.7 and XBB.1.5 sub-variants are spreading rapidly in China and the United States, respectively, and raising concerns around the world. Should we fear its spread in France, the country where BQ.1.1 is the majority?

If it is a sub-Omicron strain BQ.1.1 It is the most widespread form in France, and abroad BF. 7 And the XBB.1.5 which dominates in China and the United States. Are these located in France? Is it likely that they will spread out and become a majority? Answer.

Notable appreciation for XBB.1.5 in France

the XBB.1.5 is a close relative of the omicron XBB variant, It is composed of the Omicron BA.2.10.1 and BA.2.75 sub-variants, according to US Health Authority official. In the United States, this new variant replaces the variants that were dominant (and shared with those in France) and is gradually becoming the majority, according to reports. Parisian.

Read also:
COVID: What is this new Omicron XBB.1.5 variant spreading in the US and should it be a cause for concern?

About 40% of confirmed Covid cases in the US are caused by this strain, As opposed to 20% a week ago, he specifies NBC News. In the Northeast, about 75% of confirmed cases will come from this new strain.

Finally, “there is currently not enough data available to assess any change in the severity of infection associated with this species.”

More info in this thread \ ud83d \ udc47


– Nicholas Berrod (@nicolasberrod) January 5, 2023

in France, As of January 2, only 15 cases of XBB.1.5 have been identified by sequencingEtienne Simon Laurier, Head of the RNA Virus Evolutionary Genomics Unit at the Institut Pasteur, tells Nicolas Béraud, Journalist specializing in Paris.

But will it be able to take up more space in France? For Samuel Alizon, director of research at CNRS and specialist in evolutionary biology, interviewed by colleagues from Ile-de-France, “XBB.1.5 is sure to advancewhile for Etienne Simon Laurier,it’s a It is very difficult to predict. It will take enough successful introductions virus so that it has the opportunity to compete with the diversity of strains that already exist.

BF.7 back to France?

“in this time, The claim that BF.7 is the majority in China is not based on any hard dataNico Peraud explained, on December 28, when the data was suspended by Xi Jinping’s government three days ago. However,Omicron subvariants BA.5.2 and BF.7 together account for over 97% of all local infections“, Hinge Who is thethis Wednesday.

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Covid in China: Should an increase in cases make us fear a new variant?

in hexagons, depending on the tool Spectrum Cove Developed by Gisaid (Global Initiative for Avian Influenza Data Sharing) which collects data on virus strains on an international scale, The BF.7’s share of serialization in France will continue to rise. On October 17th, this variant accounted for 10.78% of sequences in France, then only 0.99% on December 12th, before climbing to 14.29%, Dec. 26.

The BF.7 has been serialized in France since June 2022.

The BF.7 has been serialized in France since June 2022.
COV-SPECTRUM screenshot

Read also:
Covid: where is BF.7 compared to other variants in France and abroad?

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