COVID-19 – “The vaccine is effective but not 100%, we must keep the mask,” recommends Remy Salomon

COVID-19 – “The vaccine is effective but not 100%, we must keep the mask,” recommends Remy Salomon

Remy Salomon, chair of the APHP Foundation’s medical committee, was a guest on FranceInfo on Friday morning. And he returned in particular to the importance of wearing a muzzle to reduce the risk of contamination despite vaccination.

On the issue of vaccination, the Chairman of the Medical Committee of the APHP (the body responsible for hospitals in Ile-de-France) is assessing the pollution recovery and infection rate everywhere in France.

The vaccine is effective but not 100%. We must keep the maskrecommends Remy Salomon, chair of the APHP Foundation’s Medical Committee.

Bronchiolitis: “It’s saturated and we haven’t reached its peak yet. We must prevent, from motherhood, from birth, avoid visits, not take the baby to places where there are people,” advises Remy Salomon

– franceinfo (@franceinfo) November 12, 2021

Because coronavirus is airborne like influenza or bronchiolitis. Hence the recommendation to get an air purifier.

We initially thought it was just postilions and thus distance. No. When there are many in the room, the virus ends up floating in the air, you should ventilate, and open the windows regularly‘, explains Remy Salomon.

Covid-19: “The vaccine is effective but not 100%. We must keep the mask,” recommends Remy Salomon, chair of the APHP Foundation’s medical committee

– franceinfo (@franceinfo) November 12, 2021

In the face of winter viruses such as bronchiolitis, Remy Salomon is categorical. “It’s saturated and we haven’t reached the peak yet. We must prevent, from birth, from birth, avoid visits, and not take children to places where there are people“, Advise.

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On the situation in the hospital, Remy Salomon makes a scathing assessment. “The situation is catastrophic. He is not dating from yesterday. We have a shortage of staff. Today, we are not meeting health needs“Remy Salomon is very angry, and he shouts alarm.

Hospital: “We have to give very strong signals. We will not accept a nurse taking care of 15 patients. It will collapse,” warns Remy Salomon

– franceinfo (@franceinfo) November 12, 2021

Professor Remy Salomon says he fears that “hospital collapseIn France from herefew months“If nothing is done for health workers.”We have to give very strong signals. We will not allow a nurse to look after 15 patients. will collapse‘, alert Remy Salomon

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