Covid-19: Four new cases of coronavirus infection at the border, three of them among international seafarers

Covid-19: Four new cases of coronavirus infection at the border, three of them among international seafarers

Health officials said Sunday that there have been 19 cases of the highly contagious B.1.1.7 strain from the United Kingdom in New Zealand.  (File photo)

Joseph Johnson / Staff

Health officials said Sunday that there have been 19 cases of the highly contagious B.1.1.7 strain from the United Kingdom in New Zealand. (File photo)

Four new Covid-19 Cases were found at the border and none were found in the community.

The Ministry of Health said in its update, Monday, that all cases have been detected in managed isolation.

The ministry said three out of four cases on Monday were part of the International Seafarers’ Group Those who tested positive for the virus while in quarantine in Christchurch.

A total of 14 positive cases were identified in this group.

Read more:
* Covid-19: Where did the imported cases originate from New Zealand
* Covid-19: “ potential ” insurance if a variant from the UK or South Africa is found in the community
* Covid-19: Health officials have confirmed 31 new cases of coronavirus, the first case of a variant found in South Africa

Eight cases were considered historical, and three new active cases, and the ministry said that further testing of the three new cases reported on Monday may determine whether they are also historical cases.

A sailor arrived from Russia via Singapore on January 6, and tested positive for the virus on the third day of their stay.

One of the sailors who arrived via Singapore tested positive for the virus in routine tests.

The third navigator arrived from Russia via the United Arab Emirates and tested positive on the third day.

The fourth and final case arrived on Monday from the United Kingdom via the United Arab Emirates on January 9th.

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They have tested positive for the virus on a routine test on the first day. They were taken to the quarantine facility in Auckland, Gate Park.

The Ministry of Health said one previously reported case has recovered.

She said another previously reported case is no longer a single case.

“This case had previously tested positive in the United Kingdom prior to traveling to New Zealand and was thus identified as a historical case.

“This case has been removed from the New Zealand census while we confirm that it was reported in the United Kingdom.”

The total number of active cases in New Zealand is 77. The total number of cases in the country so far is 1866.

Covid-19 variants

The Ministry of Health said all positive coronavirus tests in New Zealand have been sent to ESR (Institute of Environmental Science and Research) for whole genome sequencing as part of its ongoing monitoring and overall elimination strategy.

As reported in Sunday’s media release, the complete genome sequence identified a total of 19 cases of the virus at the border, with the variant known as B.1.1.7 (UK variant) and one case with the variant identified as B.1.351 (South African variant). ) In New Zealand since December 13, 2020.

“More work continues to better identify and understand these variables in New Zealand and internationally.

Current research indicates that the B.1.1.7 variant is about one and a half times more transmissible than previous variants, but there is no evidence at this point that the length of infection differs from any other type of Covid-19, and there is no evidence that it causes disease. More dangerous.

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“We are also closely watching the emerging research on the B.1.351 variable.”

The ministry said the recent increase in cases at New Zealand’s borders was expected, given the continuing increase in the number of cases globally.

“ We also expect to see more historical cases being discovered in Managed Isolation due to an increase in the number of people getting infected and recovering before traveling to New Zealand.

“While these individuals may still have viral particles left in the nasopharynx, which are picked up through our tests, they are no longer considered infectious.”

1 news

Professor Shawn Hindi says the new strain poses a “risk” to our borders because it is more transmissible.

The ministry said it continues to monitor external developments “closely.”

On sunday, 31 new cases of the virus It was announced, all in Management of isolation.

The new cases arrived from all over the world, including the United Kingdom, India, Zimbabwe, Austria, Russia, Ukraine and Poland.

11 cases on Sunday were International SeafarersWho reside in managed isolation and quarantine facilities in Christchurch.

Only three cases were current and the rest were historical.

Sunday’s Coronavirus Update also saw New Zealand enrollment The first case of the South African subspecies Covid-19 after previous cases of the UK strain were discovered.

Both strains of the virus are more transmissible than the ancient strains of Covid-19.

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