Corte: Bring the magic back into the public space with Opera Ricunquista

Corte: Bring the magic back into the public space with Opera Ricunquista

Bring back some colors and colors tourban environmentIt’s my challenge University Innovation and Development Center for candidates fromrecovery process, second name.

perimeter wall of Kasuchia Nurserypatio pillars Sandrichi School, stairs gym and entrance Fab Lab Pro In the Padwa Barracks It was the four “white sheets” on which the engagement teams leaned.

After a few days of work, the projects were presented to the jury which then discussed at length before delivering its verdict.

For nurseries, the CMRZ team was selected as the winner. “We chose the most expressive project”, shaded Dominic MuracciolStructure manager. The result shows animals with childlike aesthetics and soft colors who speak the Corsican language among themselves. for each project, specific Vanina Bernard LeoniAnd We took into account feasibility and performance criteria. “

A tree for you to express yourself

It was a Halle des Sports . project “Favorite”Claire Fontana, director of Suaps says. It has been handed over to Chloé Demangel’s team, however it will undergo a slight modification, with Opera organizers requesting an addition to Raymond Montet – whose building bears the name -.

Read also. Corti: Reclaiming Urban Space Through Art and Creativity

Alone in the “street furniture” category, the FabLab Pro entry posed a few problems for the teams: “I think it was difficult for everyone and it was difficult for you to meet the demand on all fronts, analyzed by Vanina Bernard Leoni. We have chosen a project that will not be fully realized because we think it is inappropriate.”

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So the ORNLCH team, which proposed to create a set of benches and a large tree covered with slate paint on which everyone can express themselves, will have to do only this second part.

high quality investments

Finally, the Lorriaux-Grenier team won all the votes for the Sandreschi project, which impressed the jurors, “To use text, graphics, and contrast on different sides of the pillars”.

There was one last award being given, for “To reward a project that we will not achieve but appreciate.”.

Coup de cœur Award in recognition of the work done, Investment quality and global approach and encouragement of its authors. Award from Antea Gallet, Fabien Flori and Davia Benedetti to Team Elea Battini for their proposal on Sandreschi pillars. She won a €600 voucher to spend at La p’tite usine in Bastia.

Far from competing, it is the Cortenais who will soon be able to tap into the talent of the winning teams, and admire their achievements on the city walls.

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