Corona: “Zero Covid” or a European road?  A study comparing effectiveness strategies – a clear finding

Corona: “Zero Covid” or a European road? A study comparing effectiveness strategies – a clear finding

  • Louisa Bellmayr

    FromLouisa Bellmayr


How should politics behave in the Corona pandemic? For the people or the economy? Scientists say the best for both: the interior from France.

PARIS / MUNICH – Although the Coronavirus * infects people all over the world and the pandemic has the same consequences everywhere, it appears that each country is following its own path. There is no single strategy. But is it really unclear what is the best method? A French study suggests: The “no virus” strategy appears to be working well.

Corona strategy: Vulnerability as Germany or extinction as in Australia

“The No-Covid Strategy Protects People and the Economy More Effectively” is the title of the publication of Cecil Philippe and Nicolas Marquez of the Molinari Economic Institute in Paris. Which method of dealing with the pandemic has been investigated – also from an economic point of view – the most successful. Two main approaches were compared:

  • doubleBy using this strategy, the number of injuries is reduced as much as possible without restricting economic and social life too much. The main goal is not to overburden the health system. If the number of injuries increases, the rules are tightened, and if they decrease, then there is loosening. Germany and France, for example, are following this approach.
  • extinctionA: This strategy is also known as “No-Covid” or “Zero-Covid”. The spread is being combated vigorously by all means so that there are no more infections in the country. Countries like Australia and New Zealand are moving towards this way of dealing with the pandemic.
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Corona Strategies Comparison: Study shows surprising finding

The research group compared the effects of the epidemic on the basis of different measured values. The numbers of incidence, deaths, economic performance and mobility were also examined and compared, which Google data shows, or the number of times certain search terms were searched on the Internet. It showed that the “No-Covid” strategy has had positive effects on the economy in the short and long term. The gross domestic product (GDP) in the La Covid-19 countries decreased by only 1.8 percent from 2019 to 2020, while it decreased by 5.0 percent in the other countries examined.

Additionally, the virus elimination strategy provides safety and guidance. Instability and lack of planning make it difficult for companies to think about the future and invest. Of course, this particularly affects hotels, restaurants and the cultural sector. “If the elimination strategy is implemented, the end of the tunnel becomes predictable. Then it becomes possible to develop reliable long-term plans, leading to stronger economic performance and lower mortality,” the study says.

With video: Corona-Pandemie in Europe

Corona Strategies in Comparison: Australia, South Korea and New Zealand shine

Australia, South Korea and New Zealand did well in both areas – the fewest possible deaths and the least possible economic downturn. These countries are pursuing a “no Covid” strategy. The epidemic was different in Belgium, Italy, Great Britain and France: a relatively large number of people had died from Covid-19 and at the same time the economy had suffered greatly.

Population and the economy: protection or vulnerability to crises? At best, protect both.

© Philip Marquez / Molinari Economic Institute

In light of their findings, the scientists invite people to openly discuss the strategy and consult with other countries working on “No-Covid” for potential implementation. The concept should be tried in pilot projects in the French regions. In addition, the “No-Covid” strategy must be worked on across Europe. It concluded that “the European Union can play a major role in coordinating the plan.”

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In Germany, too, the number of infections is increasing again at the beginning of April 2021. Vaccines give hope, but progress is somewhat slow. Many doubt Angela Merkel has promised to give everyone a vaccination offer by September 21. Karl Lauterbach thinks a third lockdown is inevitable, but with the change of plan, he expects to be able to offer vaccinations to everyone by July 1. (pound)

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