Corona Index: Corona beats in China, exports are booming

Corona Index: Corona beats in China, exports are booming

06.16 a.m.: Stiko boss – The vaccine shortage will soon be over

The chair of the Permanent Vaccination Committee, Thomas Mertens, expects the vaccination rate to rise significantly in Germany after April. Mertens said he understood people’s frustration with administering vaccinations: “The crux of the problem is without a doubt the problem so far.” Lack of vaccine. “But I assume that so much will be available in the second and third quarters that the centers will not be able to curse him anymore,” said the head of the expert group at the Robert Koch Institute.

He rejected criticism that general practitioners had not previously used vaccinations. There were good arguments for not involving the practices until an adequate vaccine was offered. Mertens noted that in addition to adequate cooling of the vaccination doses, the correct sequence of vaccinations must be ensured: “Some people may find it difficult to deal with their patients.”

In Mertens’s view, it is difficult to prevent vaccinated people from relaxing, for example with their vaccination card, even if the Vaccination Committee, Politicians and the Ethics Board speak out against compulsory vaccination: “This would be for the things that Mertens told the newspaper, ‘They are subject to a free contract from attending a concert. To go on a journey is bad advice for the state if it interferes. ”However, he noted a fundamental difference:“ The elementary everyday things should also be possible without protection from vaccination, such as using public transportation or staying in the hospital. ”

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