Corona bar in Lower Franconia: Münsterischwarzach under quarantine
10.55 am: Rhön-Grabfeld is the first region in Lower Franconia to cross 200 marks
According to the State Health Office, there are currently the lowest county incidence rates in Bavaria in Lower Franconia. According to the Robert Koch Institute (RKI), values continued to rise in six Franconian lowlands. First place is Rhön-Grabfeld with a value of over 200. Values have decreased in six regions. There are currently four regions with an incidence value above 100, and most urban and rural areas in Lower Franconia range from 50 to 100. With the exception of the city and county of Schweinfurt, which are below 50. However, there is an ambiguity in values in the city and county of Schweinfurt. On Friday it was said that they were wrong, and that there was a mistake in the transmission.
Here is an overview of all Lower Franconian numbers:
Ron-Grabfield County: 217.2
Hasberg region: 181.3
Kitzingen: 155.8
Aschaffenburg region: 113.1 ↑
Würzburg County: 95.5
Bad Kissingen: 94.0
Maine Space: 91.9
Aschaffenburg: 91.5
Miltenberg district: 89.3 ↓
City of Würzburg: 76.6
Schweinfurt district: 43.3
Schweinfurt: 41.2 ↓
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