COP26 plays uphill streaks, while India defends right to ‘responsible use’ of fossil fuels

COP26 plays uphill streaks, while India defends right to ‘responsible use’ of fossil fuels

In the absence of an agreement, the COP26 negotiations were extended, on Saturday, November 13, in Glasgow, Scotland.

26NS On Saturday, November 13, the COP participated in a pending final. The draft of the new Final Declaration of the World Climate Conference, published by the British Presidency, did not lead to the hoped-for progress. The midday plenum promised to be a storm, and hope for an outcome in the afternoon wanes incessantly.

COP26 President Alok Sharma spoke after an hour of discussions among small groups of delegates from around the world as he tried unsuccessfully to start the session. He called on delegates to accept the draft declaration made on Saturday, arguing that it is “balance” And “Really gets things done for everyone”.

‘Not everyone will welcome all sides’, Mr. Sharma admitted regarding the text. “I intend to end this COP this afternoon.”, he said firmly, like this 26NS International Climate Conference organized in Glasgow, Scotland, It was officially scheduled to end on Friday.

“It is the moment of truth for our planet, and it is also the moment of truth for our children and grandchildren.”He later said, acknowledging that the world did not deliver on the promises he made when the Paris Agreement was adopted in 2015, but the draft final declaration for COP 26. “I admitted this fact and demanded a response.”. “We are at a negotiating point where your delegation may wonder if you can use this time to get more for your country, region and group. I implore you not to do that”He added after two weeks of negotiations.

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After a summit that welcomed more than 120 heads of state, and declarations of all kinds about forests or methane, London was still hoping to wrap up COP26 through “Survival” The most ambitious goal of the Paris Agreement, is to limit temperature rise to 1.5°C compared to the pre-industrial era. While the world remains, according to the United Nations, on the right track “disastrous” From a temperature rise of +2.7°C at the turn of the century, the new text maintains progress regarding reductions in greenhouse gas emissions.

Artists from the Red Rebels group hold a funeral service at Necropolis Cemetery in Glasgow, to symbolize the failure of COP26, on November 13, 2021.
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complex discussions

These discussions are complicated by the mistrust of poor countries, which are the least responsible for global warming but are on the front line in the face of its effects, as rich countries have not yet fulfilled their promises made in 2009 to implement the year 2020. Their “climate” aid to the south is worth $100 billion (86 billion euros) annually.

The latest text does not achieve substantive progress on this issue at the heart of the tensions in recent days. Developing countries in particular have requested a specific mechanism to be taken into account “Loss and Damage”, that is, the damage already caused by the devastating effects of storms, droughts and heat waves, which are increasing.

For Mohamed Addo, from the NGO Power Shift Africa, The text is weak. Compared to the previous version published on Thursday, it has been revised from a reference already considered scanty to a support system “Technique”. Rich countries push for a system that would lead to a forum of constant chatter., denounced.

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According to a number of observers and sources close to the negotiations, the rich countries, especially the United States, who fear possible legal repercussions, have obstructed this proposal for a specific mechanism. The European Union, for its part, is hesitant about the idea of ​​such a mechanism, but on the other hand it will be open to the idea of ​​a timetable.

But developing countries nevertheless expressed their intention to accept, reluctantly, the absence of their proposal in the text. On behalf of the negotiating Group of 77 + China (more than a hundred developing and emerging countries), which has led the fight in recent days, the Guinean Ahmadou Sibouri Toure expressed his position ‘Extremely disappointed’ On this point, making sure that in “Spirit of compromise”, the group “can live” With.

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Less dangerous in the field of fossil fuels

Another controversial point, the unprecedented reference in such a text to fossil fuels, the main causes of global warming – which are not even mentioned in the Paris Agreement – are preserved in this third version of the draft declaration, much to the chagrin of producing nations.

But, from one version to another, the scope of the text has also been reduced. It is now calling on member states to “Accelerating efforts towards exiting coal-fired power without capture systems [de CO2] and inefficient fossil fuel subsidies.. In particular, the previous ad did not include the term” efforts “ nor that“ineffectiveness”.

On this point, India has also made a dissenting voice. Developing countries have the right to their fair share of the global carbon budget and responsible use of fossil fuels., defeated the country’s environment minister, Bhubandar Yadav.

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Poor countries accuse developed countries of wanting to force them to do more to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, while they do not consider themselves responsible for climate change.

In general, on greenhouse gas emissions, the new text does not change the call for member states to increase their reduction commitments more systematically than stipulated in the Paris Agreement, starting in 2022. But it does give the possibility to make arrangements for “Special National Circumstances” – This point was added Friday during the negotiations, prompting criticism from non-governmental organizations of the countries’ real ambition to limit rising temperatures.

Delegates would also like to finally come to the end of discussions regarding the specific remainder, in the implementation of the Paris Agreement, for the functioning of carbon markets. Negotiations over this hotly contested article failed during the last two COPs.

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