Computex Hardware Trade Fair in Taiwan will be held purely digitally in 2021

Computex Hardware Trade Fair in Taiwan will be held purely digitally in 2021

The Computex trade fair has been canceled as usual for the second time in a row. The Coronavirus Avalanche started a year ago, which is why the organized Taipei Computer Organization (TCA) postponed Computex and finally canceled it completely. Meanwhile, a third wave of infections has begun, making it difficult for now to travel to Taiwan.

Taiwan largely cut itself off from international travel a year ago and imposed strict requirements on the remaining travelers, including several weeks of controlled quarantine. Due to the early reaction, severe lockdown was never necessary – it only exists to this day 1,000 confirmed cases of coronavirus in Taiwan.

in a Short contact writes TCAThe end of the epidemic is not in sight at the international level. Because hardly anyone can enter, there is no gallery on site. Experience has shown that many manufacturers switch to digital displays on actual trade fair dates to showcase new products. Computex is traditionally the most important date of the year for new presentations. TCA wants to organize a hypothetical Computex, which is widely slated for May 31 to June 30. The organizer is currently accepting registrations.

This year will be exciting in many ways: Aside from the coronavirus pandemic, the semiconductor industry is struggling with a global chip shortage that delays new products. Additionally, there is a surge in demand for graphics cards from cryptocurrency miners, so that PC gamers have only been getting graphics cards at exorbitant prices for months.


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