Committed students, these companies want you

Committed students, these companies want you

They open their arms to them. Inspired by the speeches of “runaway” students who reject the current system, committed companies invite these young graduates to join them. A way for them to accelerate their transformation by being challenged on a daily basis. Throughout the week, Novethic explores new ramifications and paths to a more sustainable world envisioned by more and more students.

Engaged young people have a lot to contribute to companies.

call to “to the desert” Careers “destroyers” Several students from the Agro Paris Tech engineering school fired it causing a lot of ink to gush out. in platform Posted in Les Echos, Pierre Verzat, president of Syntec, the professional organization for engineers, laments “broken dialogue” between “Two generations seen as anti-atoms”. according to him, ‘Companies have already branched out’. “They need, we need, tomorrow’s engineers, tomorrow’s ecologists” He says.

If the reaction is strong, it’s because recruiters are already having a hard time finding qualified profiles for climate and sustainable development topics. The required workforce will grow by 20% by 2025. Pierre Verza says quoting it study The Prospective Observatory of Occupations and Qualifications which concludes that the number of graduates currently in climate subjects is ‘grossly insufficient’. Staffing firm Birdeo, which specializes in jobs with a positive impact, makes the same observation: “We are in a transitional period where demand is greater than supply.”

The doors are open

“The topics are more and more technical, for example in agribusiness about agricultural regeneration, in finance about additional financial performance… There are more and more dual functions, such as sustainable purchasing and sustainable marketing. There are also committed companies, for example rated B Corp. , or companies that have a mission, that seek consistency of value in hiring.” Perdue says.

L’entreprise Ecotone, qui possède more marques bios like “Bjorg” ou les “Clipper” n’hésite pas à ouvrir ses portes pour convaincre les étudiants de ses engagements, invitant les étudiants à discuter avec chacun des salariés et experts de l’ a company. It also highlights its labels and certifications, such as the B Corp label. Today’s students are more attentive and more specific in their questions. Ecotone notes.

Once in office, the company continues to encourage discussion and questioning. “For example, every month we have conferences or webinars on biodiversity and food topics, or food topics related to current events.” Ecotone explains, and also highlights “Biodiversity Day”, one day a year when all European offices explore solutions on a given topic. The company also wants to promote the wishes of employees by giving them two working days that can be dedicated to charitable activity and indicates listening carefully. “All the good ideas these new and new employees can have that make companies grow”.

Corporate benefits

Engaged young people have a lot to contribute to companies. “In CSR positions, you need people who embody the approach” Birdeo manager explains. For her, optimism and perseverance are key qualities for success, he explains “We still have to fight.” However, she added nuance to the military stance, emphasizing that the approach must be collegial. She is looking for people who have a Great publishing capacity with a purpose To get everyone on board.

Purdue’s director notes “real awareness” Companies as job seekers, with an acceleration in 2019, the year of fires in Australia. For her, the current young graduates are A.S “original environmental generation”has a broad general culture about the environment and “able to make things happen”. A note shared by Ecotone, which “Understands the strong desire to branch out” But he invites students to “Companies split themselves, change the system from within.”

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Fanny Brioneval

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