Clement Huber on the run to become one of the future European astronauts

Clement Huber on the run to become one of the future European astronauts

After initial screening, about 1,500 profiles were selected to pass a series of tests within the European Space Agency this week. Among them, Grenoblois Clément Huber was called up on Monday.

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It was in Hamburg, Germany Clement Huber See you Monday, December 6 for the second stage of the selection of Thomas Bisquet’s future partners. More than 20,000 people applied last June to become a European astronaut. After the first sort, approximately 1 500 profiles have been selected to pass the first series of tests this week within the European Space Agency (ESA). In the program, psychological tests for which The 29-year-old engineer from Grenoble He’s been preparing since he received his summons on November 12th.

“The first thing we do is tell our friends to stop writing to us and invite us to parties and other outings. And then we leave ourselves at home to review and prepare for the exams, Clement Huber says: Tim Peake’s “The Astronauts’ Choice Test Book”And Interesting enough to prepare.”

“In general, I use different applications for psychological testing exercises. For example, I practice on a practice test that is used for Air France students.”

Clement Huber

to franceinfo

Clement Hubert, who avoids dropping a lot, maybe in a few years, puts on a suit and climbs a rocket, but the desire is there: “I think we can get a little dizzy, and actually go towards the moon and see the Earth is so small. I would very much like to be able to live that and push the boundaries of human exploration in space even further.” Clement Huber who will know at the beginning of next year, perhaps at the end of January, with the results of these tests, whether he can follow his dream.

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