CIRAD turns 40: joint research to develop tomorrow's world

On June 5, 1984, the International Center for Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD) was established by decree. This decree announces the merger of nine tropical agricultural technical research institutes organized by sector: rubber (Irca), oils and oilseeds (IRHO), fruits and citrus fruits (Irfa), cotton and exotic textiles (IRCT), coffee, cocoa and other plants. (IFCC), Livestock and Veterinary Medicine in Tropical Countries (IEMVT), Tropical Forestry (CTFT), Tropical Agronomy and Food Crops (Irat), and Tropical Agricultural Machinery (Ceemat).

Its original mission is: “to contribute to rural development in warm regions, through research and skills-building activities, particularly in the agriculture, forestry and agri-food sectors.”

Over the course of 40 years, the scope of his work has expanded significantly : From genetics to farmland to landscapes, territories, regions, countries and continents. Thus, its scientific specializations were enriched, moving from three main scientific professions – agricultural engineering, forestry, animal sciences and veterinary medicine – to more than forty today that combine life and environmental sciences, humanities and social sciences, through science and technology.

“The International Center for Agricultural Research has been able to combine its sectoral expertise dating back to its founding organizations with the wealth of many scientific disciplines, such as ecology, economics, sociology of innovation, etc. He explains Elizabeth Claverie de Saint-Martin, CEO, CIRAD. This is what makes it today a world scientific leader in tropical forests and many tropical crops, such as coffee, cocoa, sugarcane, rice, sorghum, rubber, palm trees and others. »

During 40 years of definitive, contextual and participatory research carried out by the Center for International Agricultural Research (CIRAD) and its many partners From the south, Allow to construct More sustainable and resilient agricultural and food systemsto improve Animal and plant healthby preserving biodiversity, but also Form Thousands of young people and strengthening the bonds between them Knowledge and decision.

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“As the slogan that accompanies the work of the International Center for Agricultural Research for Development (CIRAD) throughout this anniversary says, Elizabeth Claverie de Saint Martin continuesWe must continue to share our research to develop tomorrow's world, especially in a world affected by multiple crises related to climate, biodiversity and food security. A world we must transform.”

CIRAD will bring together its partners and staff on the afternoon of 25 June in person at CORUM in Montpellier and remotely around Rich program in three sequences The first dealt with the sectors from yesterday to today, then two round tables were devoted to this topic Research impact For the sake of development for one, and Multi-actor cooperation At the health/environment interface of the other.

A press conference will be held in advance on June 25 from 11:45 a.m. to 12:30 p.m. Following the opening of a photo exhibition entitled “Preserving and Nourishing the Planet: Large-Scale Organisms” at the Montpellier Botanical Garden.

Speakers during this press conference:

Registration for the press conference and mandatory accreditation for the June 25 event for journalists: [email protected]

The celebrations will continue in the center's regional directorates in the second half of the year and will end in Paris On November 25 in Le Monde Hall, with a large general conferenceThen in Brussels on November 28th.

Find out event details here

About Sirad

CIRAD is a French organization for agricultural research and international cooperation for sustainable development in the tropics and the Mediterranean. It engages with its partners in building knowledge and solutions for resilient agriculture in a more sustainable and united world. It works to mobilize science, innovation and training to achieve the Sustainable Development Goals. It puts its expertise at the service of everyone, from producers to public policy, to promote biodiversity protection, agroecological transitions, sustainability of food systems, health (plants, animals and ecosystems), and sustainable development of rural areas and their resources. Ability to adapt to climate change. The Center is present on all continents in approximately fifty countries, and relies on the skills of its 1,800 employees, including 1,140 scientists, as well as a global network of 200 partners. It supports France's science diplomacy.

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