Chrissy Teigen regrets being bullied online

Chrissy Teigen regrets being bullied online


LOS ANGELES (AFP) – After serious bullying allegations against her became public, model Chrissy Teigen has expressed her remorse. “There is no excuse for my previous outrageous tweets. My goals are not worth it,” the 35-year-old wrote on internet platform Medium on Monday.

Teigen apologized to model Courtney Stodden for the news on Twitter in May. Stodden had previously told “The Daily Beast” that Teigen had asked the model, among other things, to take a “nap on the floor.”

Teigen now writes that she is in private contact with all the other people she has now offended. “I understand that you may not want to talk to me. I don’t think I want to talk to myself.” But if they spoke to her, Teigen said, she would listen and apologize.

And the model explained that random memories of her “foolish past” give painful stitches to this day. “Indeed, I was insecure, immature and in a world where I thought I had to convince strangers to be accepted.”

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