Chilean President Gabriel Boric relinquishes the role of first lady

Chilean President Gabriel Boric relinquishes the role of first lady

The President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, has put an end to the institutional role of his companion, Irina Karamanos, who has relinquished her position as First Lady.
MARTIN PERENTI/AFP via Getty Images The President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, has put an end to the institutional role of his companion, Irina Karamanos, who has relinquished her position as First Lady.


The President of Chile, Gabriel Boric, has put an end to the institutional role of his companion, Irina Karamanos, who has relinquished her position as First Lady.

International – In 2023, Chile will not have a First Lady. Irina Karamanos, companion Gabriel Burek, elected in December 2021, announced that she will be leaving her institutional role on Saturday, December 31. From January 1, there will be no more First Lady’s Office At the La Moneda Presidential Palace.

“This is a step that makes us proud, as it allows us to change the way we view the presidential couple or the stereotypes culturally associated with the role of first lady,” Irina Karamanos told the newspaper tercera. Traditionally, in ChileThe first lady heads six institutions of a social, cultural or educational nature. The functions that will now be carried out by the personalities appointed by the relevant ministers.

An unprecedented decision

Through his campaign, Gabriel Burek promised to abolish the role of First Lady in the name of feminism. It took a year to Left head to hold it. The delay drew much criticism of the presidential couple.

Conservatives accused the first lady of being illegitimate because she was not married to the head of state. Some feminists also wanted to step down from their role, arguing that “If you’re a feminist, you don’t have to be a first lady, you have to do your job as a researcher or something.”

This process does not alter the fact that I am the president’s partner and companion, as well as an activist in the project. So I will continue to support my boss, but from other places.” From the Presidential Palace, Irina Karamanos said. Irina Karamanos, a 33-year-old anthropologist and researcher specializing in education, who is also an activist on the feminist front from Borek’s party. Role is important “to boost” , addition “to grow professionally” in his research areas.

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Patriarchal symbols of the state

Will you set an example? In the rest of the world too, wives of chiefs exercise a role of influence and representation. Concept ” the first lady In the United States originally and exemplified the model consort in monarchies. Voices are being raised to question it, claiming that it is part of the patriarchal codes of the state.

On the side of France, the status of the first lady evolved During Emmanuel Macron’s first term. If the spouse of the tenant of the Elysee does not have an official status, a “Charter of Transparency” It is set up for Determine the role For the first lady or first husband.

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