Checks for Gallace of Guardavalle, from the Ndrangheta family to a multinational pharmaceutical company

Checks for Gallace of Guardavalle, from the Ndrangheta family to a multinational pharmaceutical company

Direct contacts with Colombian drugs and cocaine rivers for more than 1,200 kilograms at one time for distribution in Australia, New Zealand, Turkey, the United Kingdom and Slovenia. New details emerge from the “Molo 13” investigation, which this morning led to the arrest of 23 people between Calabria and Tuscany. He was the mastermind of international drug trafficking in Guardavalle, on the Ionian side of Catanzaro, and according to investigations coordinated by the Anti-Mafia Directorate of Catanzaro and commissioned to Guardia di Finanza, Gallace di Guardavalle was managing an impressive turnover. The investigators have identified all components of the organization involved – each with a specific role – in what is considered to be a hinge link structure dedicated to the international cocaine trafficking.

From the Ndrangheta family to a criminal enterprise

The process is called Pier 13, cIt marks the conclusion of a complex investigative activity conducted by the special departments of Gico di Catanzaro and the Scico of the Guardia di Finanza of Rome in coordination with the Prosecutor led by Nicola Gratteri, and sheds light on the framework of a dangerous circumstance against the main exponents of the Ndrangheta clan rooted in the Gardaval lands and attributed to the family Gallas, which has created a complex transactional criminal organization with the aim of facilitating the formation of a Ndrangheta-style association, has remarkable international operating features, capable of planning large cocaine imports from South America (Colombia, as well as Brazil) and “placing” it in Europe (Spain, the Netherlands, England, and Slovenia) And New Zealand and Australia. The role of Gallace, which has transformed from a simple Ndrangheta family over the years into a criminal enterprise has emerged through numerous illegal activities that have made it possible to increase military and economic power and gain increased control over Ionic territory, a sector that stretches across the provinces of Catanzaro and Reggio Calabria, with branches in The hinterland of Lazio, Tuscan and Lombard.

Encrypted messages and cocaine confiscation

The investigations, which benefited from the contribution of some collaborators with justice, framed the association’s criminal link in international drug trafficking, highlighting its ability to communicate directly with South American suppliers to purchase large quantities of drugs. Systematic use, for illegal trade, of unconventional methods of communication, with electronic devices, linked to foreign sim networks, and which use encrypted messaging techniques between “accounts” and “domains” associated with a server located in San Jose (Costa Rica). In this regard, after the Dutch authorities seized data encrypted with an unconventional technology, called PGP, extrapolated from this server, with the precious cooperation of the Italian representative on duty at Eurojust, it was possible to use an enormous number of e-mail messages, especially in the Italian language, transmitted from BlackBerry devices, with PGP encryption. By decoding messages by Scico and the Catanzaro Economic and Financial Police unit of Guardia di Finanza, it was possible to extract important information about the way the organization operated, identify partners and rebuild many circles of trade and import of narcotic substances, including importing stock that increases its weight About 150 kilograms of cocaine was seized in May 2017 in the port of Livorno, which made it possible for the mutual talks between the parties concerned to uncover the purchase of about 200 kilograms of cocaine from Colombia, transported inside a container on a ship leaving from the port of Cartagena (Colombia) , An attempt was made to retrieve it, initially planned in Barcelona (Spain), with negative results in Livorno. The seized drugs as a whole, once processed and put on the market, would have earned the organization more than 3.5 million euros on the market.

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Read also | Ndrangheta, checkmate against the Gallas clan: a barrage of arrests between Guardaval and Livorno (video)

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