Check out the first images from the movie “The Next Target Win”

Check out the first images from the movie “The Next Target Win”

Yet more than acceptable Thor: Love and ThunderAnd the Taika Waititi Returns to independent record with the movie Scout photos The next target wins Which will be released on April 21, 2023 on American screens. this week, Entertainment Weekly Unveiling the first photos as well as an interview with Taika Waititi.

Next Goal Wins, the story of a losing team becoming a winner

Adapted from a 2014 British documentary, Dream Teamran out of side Mike Brett And the Steve JamisonAnd the The next target wins It tells the true story of the Samoa National Football Team under the American umbrella and its coach, Thomas Rongen.

This is the story of the worst football team in the world, which is famous for suffering the biggest defeat in an international match against Australia 31-0, which is a goal every 3 minutes. “Says Taika Waititi.

To explain trainer Thomas Rongen, Taika Waititi to choose Michael Fassbender.

Michael Fassbender in Next Goal Wins (Courtesy Searchlght Pictures and Entertainment Weekly)

“He’s really the only person who answered the call. He was the one who said, ‘Yeah, I want to go out there and do that.'”

In addition to Michael FassbenderCast The next target wins Also counted in casting Will Arnett (which replaces Armie Hammer) who plays the role of sports director, Elisabeth Moss Who plays the ex-wife of coach Thomas Rongen and also Samoan New Zealand actor Oscar Kightleywho plays the captain of the American Samoa soccer team, a revelation Kaminawho plays the role Jia Saylo.

Kamaina on the next target win (Courtesy of Searchlight Pictures and Entertainment Weekly)

In the film, Jaya is a transgender player and much of his story revolves around his relationship with Thomas Rongen. »

Next goal wins is Rasta Rockett football according to Taika Waititi

Taika Waititi He comes from New Zealand, a country where sport is a religion.

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Football and rugby are the national sports of New Zealand. The next target wins Underdogs follows, and I love underdog stories. Most of my films are about people who live on the margins or are left out to some extent by society. It’s a true story, but it has all the elements that all great sports movies have. My movie is like Rasta Rocket Soccer. »

Taika Waititi on Next Target’s winning streak (Courtesy of Entertainment Weekly and Searchlight Pictures)

The movie was shot in Hawaii in 2019, to be more precise, in one of my favorite locations in Hawaii Taika Waititi.

“My second daughter was born there, so I always love going back there, doing a movie that was amazing. Honestly, it’s nice to put ‘brown’ faces in the movie and get a Polynesian presence in the cinema in a really meaningful way.”

The next target wins It does not have a French release date at the moment. The first trailer will be out soon.

source : Entertainment Weekly.

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