Check out the first images for Windows 11 Pro!  (updated)

Check out the first images for Windows 11 Pro! (updated)

The June 24 Microsoft will present Windows 11. What initially seemed like a rumor is now a practical certainty, especially now that the first reliable images of new operating system by Redmond.

first news: app icons and start button centered On the taskbar, the start button has been redesigned in particular.

second grandmother: The app menu is also centered, no longer sideways, free of live tiles This is very reminiscent of Windows 8 (which I’m personally happy to get rid of – Ed), and completely redesigned. We have the apps in the directory, a filter on the top right, recommended apps, and at the bottom we find the username, which will likely also be used to switch accounts, and the restart / shutdown button.

The third grandmother: The name. Windows 11 Pro This is the image shown in these screenshots, which The Verge confirms it’s authentic. Despite previous press releases about the fact that Windows 10 could have been “eternal”, it appears that a name change will occur, and that part of the new design is inherited from Windows 10X defunct. It is clear that what we glimpse is just the tip of the iceberg.

appointment then to Thursday, June 24 at 5 p.m. For all the Windows 11 news. Obviously, below you will find the screenshots just shown, so you can quietly check them out.


Not even time to post the first two photos, this XDA He’s posted more avalanche, now that it’s fully available Windows 11 ISO. So without further ado, we leave you in the gallery below, with screenshots ranging from the new, more up-to-date and detailed setup process, to the actual OS, where the ability to center icons on the taskbar can be removed. , it seems.

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