Champions Cup: Produce more to earn more, the new project for Ulster, ASM’s first opponent, on Saturday

Champions Cup: Produce more to earn more, the new project for Ulster, ASM’s first opponent, on Saturday

If there is one technician who is fully aware of the intricacies of Irish rugby, it is Juno Gibbs. The ASM coach spent six years on the Leinster bench (2008-2014) and one season on the Ulster side (2017-2018).

This is the same county that Clermontois will find again on Saturday (6.30 p.m.). So, Juno Gibbs has insight into this opponent that Yellow and Blue has wrestled with quite a bit in recent years. For Belfast, the Champions Cup remains the most important event of the season.

“There is real pride in their identity.”

There is real pride in their identity. European culture is very important to them. This Ulster team has made tremendous progress over the past three seasons. They have fewer X Factors but are shaping that relies heavily on their collective strength. They put a very high level of commitment. “

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This iconic team strength has gained more depth this season. If the Ulstermen retain their strong rugby identity based on the attacking game, like any self-respecting Irish team, they have changed their philosophy on the offensive game level.

A drive caused by New Zealander Dan Super. The former skills manager transitioned to assistant coach at the start of the season. And the technician wanted players to be able to break out of the game plan from time to time in order to pick the right option at the right time. In short, give them more freedom.

Don’t turn them into robots.

“If you look at the best teams in Europe, the crucial points are the speed of movement and the dangerous situations they can create on the pitch,” explains Dan Super. The ability to turn the game around, whether through passing, kicking, or gameplay versatility has become something of paramount importance. So we try to give confidence to the players. We don’t want them to become robots, we want to make games and play in spaces. “

Even if it remains devilishly effective, it is true that the Irish county game can sometimes be somewhat of a stereotype. Matches are built on a strong and presumptuous foundation: great combat at the front, good conquest at the foot and a strict tactical plan. On the Belfast side, we therefore wanted to turn things around and thus create more chaos.

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The history of adherence to the new requirements of modern rugby. With the emergence of young players such as linebacker Ethan McIlroy and quarterback James Hume, Ulster have elements capable of breaking the streak of supremacy. It was still necessary to make them responsible and give them more room to work.

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This change of direction appears to have paid off some good first fruits. Ulster’s win in Dublin against Leinster on November 27 (20-10) is a serious indication of this team’s striking power.

Arnaud Clerge

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