CFL autonomous minibuses arrive in Luxembourg

Tentatively tested at a closed site, two electric shuttles will be delivered next March in the Grand Duchy to the CFL.

It is no longer a revolution but a new way of looking at travel. As a result of continuous reflection since 2018 and after the launch of an international call for bids, Luxembourg Railways will receive two electric and 100% autonomous minibuses within three months.

Up to 14 passengers at a speed of 25 km / h

New Zealand company HMI Technologies, which specializes in technology solutions geared towards the transport sector, has been selected by Luxembourg Railways to supply the autonomous shuttles.

These are part of the “Lift” models that belong to a group called “Ohmio”. “This cooperation promises to be beneficial for each party, and will allow the CFLGain experience in the field of self-driving Contribute to the emergence of this type of vehicle in the transportation of tomorrow.”confirms Carlo Hansen, president of CFL Bus Service.

In detail, the two minibuses will be able to operate at It has a speed of 25 km / h and can accommodate up to 14 passengers, including for people with limited mobility. For CFLs, the stated goal is ” From We offer customers a continuous door-to-door transportation chain Without having to use the car to get to the nearest station or train station “.

Once approved by Luxcontrol and those authorized to cruise in real traffic conditions, the two minibuses must Scheduled tracks on a kind of virtual railwayand determine the way forward says Carlo Hansen. As a reminder, Grand-Ducal legislation requires that an accompanying person must be present on board vehicles, just in case.

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Basic testing stage

As soon as they arrived from New Zealand on the territory of Luxembourg, the two Umeå minibuses will start A set of tests in two closed sites : at the IEE in Bessen and at the CFL multimedia station in Bettembourg-Dudelange.

Basic tour of Ensuring the main challenge: passenger safety Who will take this new mode of transportation. Security that will be ensured in particular thanks to ” For various sensors placed in the vehicle’s chassis that will allow the shuttles to communicate permanently with their environment Carlo Hansen adds.

In Luxembourg, these two independent CFL shuttles will not be leaders in their field. This is it Contern town that was The first to “draw” a self-shuttle, from 2018. This can carry a maximum of 15 people (including four standing) and connect Contern-Sandweiler Station to the business district. In the wake of this, the capital followed with the installation of two independent shuttles (City Shuttle 2) which made it possible to connect the panoramic lift to the funicular station in Pfaffenthal.

Recently, in September 2021, Esch-sur-Alzette decided to test the Uelzecht Mobil, another autonomous shuttle model (15 passengers max) on the rue de l’Alzette. This last trial will end on December 31st.

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