Caussade.  A very nice theatrical performance of Playmobil® in the Bonna space

Caussade. A very nice theatrical performance of Playmobil® in the Bonna space

Since 1974, the year of its inception with an Indian, a jockey and a worker, the German toy brand Playmobil® continues to amaze successive generations of children and adults.

The Playmobil® exhibition and sale held at Espace Bonnaïs in Caussade last weekend by Christophe Lemoine and his team of volunteers was an incredible success with 1,246 paid entries (€2 including raffle) and over 500 free entries for children; Attendance doubled compared to the previous exhibition. Visitors who sometimes come from a distance, from Aveyron, Bergerac, Gramat, Gilac, etc. This fair organized thirteen giant dioramas that occupied the entire space, and the collectors coming from all over the Occitanie, Ariege, Hutes-Pyrenees, Audi, Hérault, Lotte, Tarn and of course from Tarn and Garonne were all satisfied with the reception and organization to the point of donation for 100 euros themselves.

During these two days, parents and children wandered the corridors around the diorama in order to participate in a game of finding an intruder in each scene, for example, a character from the Simpsons in the expensive village of Asterix. “On Sunday we had to reprint the match sheets, 550 in total, most of which were completely filled out. During the Saturday and Sunday raffle we gave out Playmobil® boxes to the winners,” notes Christopher Lemoine. In total, the profits amounted to 2,800 euros, which will soon be donated to the Envol association of the nursing home Le Jardin d’Émilie to fund its support actions for residents. Envol coordinator and volunteer Geraldine Bonal emphasized the importance of this amount, which could secure support actions over the next two years.

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In the face of this positive evaluation, Christophe Lemoine would like to thank all exhibitors and sponsors, the municipality for loaning the room and the Jardin d’Émilie that provided meals to the exhibitors, as well as all the staff who managed the organization and logistics of the event.

A sale has already been scheduled for the next exhibition scheduled for 2024, with this announcement made by the organizer: “It will be better next time!”.

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