Canadian Academy of Sciences: a prominent Algerian researcher

Canadian Academy of Sciences: a prominent Algerian researcher

Another pride for Algeria. After immunologist Yasmine Belkaid, who recently won the Robert Koch Prize, it is the turn of another Algerian scientific body to receive an honorary medal abroad.

Karim Zoghb, a prominent researcher in the fields of energy storage and transmission electricity, has been elected, according to some media reports, a member of the (Canada-based) Academy of Arts, Letters and Sciences, the highest honor awarded to senior researchers. in Canada.

One of the most influential researchers in the world

In 2019, this battery materials researcher was named one of the world’s most influential scientists by Clarivate Analytics with a strong contribution to 22 books as well as more than 550 patents, 60 licenses, and 425 publications.

This distinction is awarded to the scientists who have been most cited by their peers over the past eleven years and have “exceptional impact” in their field of research. Thus Clarivate Analytics rewards approximately 3,300 scientists out of the 9 million researchers identified worldwide. So the researchers featured on the list are part of an exclusive group that represents less than 1% of all scientists, according to the Hydro Quebec website.

With a PhD in Electrochemistry from the Polytechnic Institute of Grenoble (France), Karim Zagheb has worked for 22 years at Hydro-Québec, where he is the Director General of the Center of Excellence in Electrification of Transport and Energy Storage. A well-known scholar emeritus in the scientific world, he has developed many partnerships with universities and industrial companies on a global scale, the same source adds.

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