Cam Choir at Espace Yuen Guernig, in Sayre, Wed

Cam Choir at Espace Yuen Guernig, in Sayre, Wed

Can you tell us about Cam?

It’s a choir from Concarneau which was called Kanerien Armor. bearing her new name, cam, the initials Kanerien ar mor (Singers of the Sea) for a few years. Isabelle Dayron is the choir director. She is accompanied by Lucy, the pianist, and Paul, the percussionist. Wednesday 21 June, they will perform French medleys, yesterday and today.

Is this concert the first event of its kind?

This is the Lions Club’s first concert in Concarneau Cornouaille. Headed by Marie-Christine Le Noun, the Lions have been present for two years in Concarneau. Every year the Cam Team organizes a concert, “Breathtaking Song”, to benefit Cystic Fibrosis.

What is the link between the two associations?

I am the assistant secretary of the choir, I also sing there and I will be the assistant treasurer Concarneau Cornwell Lions Club, from this summer. The Lions Club asked Cam to sing sweethearts for a causeChildren’s Cancer Health What do lions represent in the world? One of our members, who lived in the city, asked the mayor, who accepted it, to lend a room for this party.


Wednesday 21st June at 8.30pm, Espace Yuen Guernig, in the Shire. Free post in the hat. The next meeting of the cam, on Friday 7 July, at 9 pm, in the closed city of Concarneau, on the Carré des Larrons.

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