Bron.  The sport of bronzing was featured in Espace Albert-Camus

Bron. The sport of bronzing was featured in Espace Albert-Camus

This Friday, in Piazza Albert Camus, the sports festival gathered a very large crowd.

20 clubs and 187 athletes were in the spotlight. Some were like Leonardo Moschia of the Brone Boxing Academy, two-time French light heavyweight champion, and Christophe Sarrio of the Bronne-Terrayon Pétanque Club, world doubles champion, and winner of the French Cup and the Cities Cup with his club. Occupied territory. On November 25 in Guyana, Leonardo Moschia will try to win the EBU silver title belt against Czech Viktor Trash. For his part, Christophe Sarrio and his team will be in Saint-Yerix-sur-Charente from November 9 to 12 to compete in the European Club Cup. A competition in which the Brondillants will once again be able to count on the presence of the city’s mayor, Jeremy Breaud, a stalwart among the club’s loyal supporters, who has confirmed his arrival. But if there is only one image to remember from this ceremony, it is the restrained joy of young Elia Laborie, 5 1/2 years old, who was rewarded for her excellent progress in Aikido Budo which she had been practicing for two years at MJC Louis-Aragon.

The 2024 Olympics in the viewfinder

Gregory Brunet, Deputy Delegate for Community Life and Sports Events, confirmed: “This meeting is always popular with the winners who are happy to come together to celebrate their success and share a pleasant moment of familiarity.” The opportunity for the elected official to discuss organizing a beautiful ceremony on June 23 to celebrate Olympic Day. Remember that Bronne is involved in the adventure of the Paris 2024 Olympic Games and can be proud of the Terre de Jeux 2024 brand.

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