Broadcast Camelot in space?  The crazy bet for Alexandre Esther fans

Broadcast Camelot in space? The crazy bet for Alexandre Esther fans

TheThe long awaited movie CamelotPlayed and directed by Alexander Esther, it will see the light of day on July 21, one year after its tentative date of July 29, 2020. A transformation that has turned King Arthur’s fans upside down, excited to discover the first installment of the film. Trilogy, with the original cast being credited with the credits. Thomas Pesquet’s successful takeoff to the International Space Station (ISS), Friday April 23rd, did not go unnoticed by fans of the saga. And with good reason, the French astronaut, a huge fan of the M6 ​​series, made sure to embark on all the episodes aboard Space X’s Crew Dragon Endeavor capsule. Something to take care of between two space walks.

Fans of the series didn’t need a bit more effort to come up with a slightly crazy idea: to air the feature film “exclusively in space”. The goal: to allow Thomas Pesquet to discover the film in a preview, 400 kilometers above our heads. To support his project, from a fan Camelot Post a petition on the platform My opinions. At the time of publication of this article, nearly 1,300 people have signed up to the text, an enthusiasm that should increase in advance if Alexander Esther realizes the process …

Read alsoThe Camelot report: Part 1: Watch out for the domino effect!

As a child, he dreamed of being an astronomer

Passionate about astrophysics, director of the final two parts ofAsterix He consecrated an entire exposition of the universe’s secrets, exoconference, In 2014. his dream: “the dream of a young child who wants to become an astronomer,” he had confided to the actor, and he himself is a child of the actors, in an interview with Scientist. Son of Joëlle Sevilla and Lionnel Astier, game partners at Camelot, Also named asteroid 236984, which was discovered by French astronomer Patrick Sogorp in 2008. Will you hear the upcoming adventures of (young) King Arthur in the stars, even on the International Space Station? Follow…

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