British Northern Lights |  sky and space

British Northern Lights | sky and space

The northern lights are rarely visible from France. On Sunday and Monday evenings, thanks to a double solar flare, conditions were favorable in the northern half of the country. Especially in Finistère, as evidenced by this beautiful shot.

Half an hour later, I told myself that I would go home. And then, I started to realize something… The show only lasted a few minutes! It took some perseverance and courage to withstand the northeast wind in hopes of catching the Northern Lights on February 26 and 27.

On Locmaria-Plouzané, in Finistère, Kevin decided on Monday after seeing pictures of the Northern Lights taken the day before in Normandy. “ I realized there is a possibility to see some maybe in the evening in Finistère. The sky hasn’t been clear lately due to astronomical events, but this time it was very nice. I looked for a slightly overhanging site, not too far from my house, and from 9:30pm I started shooting blindly. 30 second exposure, at 1600 ISO. »

This snapshot was taken around 10:05 p.m. Then the naked eye aurora appeared. ” I really like photographing calm clouds, but the aurora borealis is a first for me he explains Cameraman.

He is betting that he will bring out his camera at the next alerts…

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