Brave players defending one another

Brave players defending one another

On Saturday, CA Brive lost its second home game of the season against Montpellier (26-31).

During this meeting, CAB’s third midfield player, Abraham Papili’i gave a great performance.

The New Zealander did more than rival his opponent today, Zach Mercer.

Corizin also scored an attempt in the 19th minute of play before giving up his place in the 53rd minute and then returning to play at the end of the match to finish the match.

At the end of the match, Breve beat the people of Montpellier and tried everything to score the winning attempt. Abraham Papelli then fired the ball, Paolo Garbesi tackled it and then tried to pass the ball with one hand to Stuart Olding to keep the ball alive.

But the pass is still rough and the Corizines commit a deadly attack that seals their defeat.

Asked after the meeting, Privest coach Jeremy Davidson defended his player by noting that no one at the club would blame him for this difficult pass. Extract:

We can’t blame Ibrahim for wanting to save the country, but we have to learn from these situations. Since the beginning of the season he played great matches. We are very happy with his investment. He’s progressing from game to game.”

Same story for Brive scrum-half Paul Abadie. Extract:

“We can’t blame Abraham especially given the game he’s playing.”

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