Bram.  Aude’s “Defense” reporters gathered at the Espace du Foirail

Bram. Aude’s “Defense” reporters gathered at the Espace du Foirail

armies. The “Griffon” is introduced, a new armored vehicle from RE 4.

Since the last mayoral election, there has been no regrouping of defense correspondents from Odd County. It was done, and at Bram, in the associative space of Foirail, this meeting took place. The participants were welcomed by Mayor and Regional Chancellor Claudie Faucon-Meguin, who opened the meeting by introducing the municipality saying that it is very keen to develop the link between the army and the nation, also recalling the municipality’s commitment. Move to the smaller.

Defense reporter in every municipality

Within municipal councils, a defense correspondent is appointed after each election. For our municipality, it is Arnaud Barthes, the municipal councilor, who takes on this function and takes on this role of involving as many citizens as possible in defense issues.

Following the words of welcome, the day began with an intervention by Colonel Tughdwal Barbarin, Military Commissioner for the District, who introduced the program for the day. Lt. Col. Patrice introduced the Operations Center to the administration’s military delegation, then explained the role of the Defense Correspondent. Then it was the turn of Mrs. Aurélie Grivel, responsible for public relations and business at the youth direction, to present the National Youth Service Center in Perpignan. Petty Officer Eric Ceres introduced the mission of CIRFA (Center for Information and Recruitment of the Armed Forces), and then Mr. Beziat, General Delegate of the Souvenir Français, spoke about the role of the association.

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Participants were then invited to meet in front of the Charles Cros Room where the fourth session of the Castelnaudary showcased the new multirole ‘Griffon’ armored vehicle that had just been installed in it. After lunch in a city restaurant, the day continued with the presentation of the Interministerial Defense and the Civil Protection Service by Jason Toilier, the head of this service, and ended with a visit to the Circuolades and the Iboromagos Museum for those who wanted it. .

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